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I went upstairs and got the pregnancy test and put it in a box and wrapped it and put it in another box then put it in another box to mess with Grayson. I put it in a bag and went downstairs.

"Okay guys. I got something for Grayson. Here ya go." I said handing him the gift.

He opened it and when he saw the box inside a box he laughed and opened the box with the pregnancy test. He opened the box and jumped up and hugged me.

"I'm gonna be a dad I'm gonna be a dad I'm gonna be a dadddddd!!!!!" He yelled running around.

Everyone congratulated us.

That night—

"I can't wait to see our boy or girl." He said.

"Yeah me too." I said.

"How long are you?" He asked.

"I went to the doctor and I'm two months. Do you want to find out the sex of the baby or do you want it to be a surprise?"

"I want to know the sex so we can decorate the room already." He said.

"I agree." I said.

"I CANT WAIT!" He yelled and bent down to kiss my stomach.

I'm sorry for the short chapters you guys! Love y'all.

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