Chapter 1

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Madison's POV
"Bye," I say to my best friend and boyfriend before I get on the plane I hug both of them then get on the plane.
Skip the plane ride•••
I get off the plane, sit down, and wait for my new family. I hear someone says my name over and over so I look up and see a lady walking towards me.
"Hey, you are Madison right," she says.
"Yes ma'am, you can call me Madi," I say.
"Well Madi, you can call me Mom, if you want to," she says.
"Yes ma- I mean Mom," I say.
"Well let's go shopping for your room," she says.
"Okay," I say and we walk to the car and to the mall.
Skip to when they are home•••
"Kid's come down here," she yells when we walk into the house and sit my stuff down. Four kids walk in two who look my age, a younger blonde boy, and a little blonde girl.
"Kid's this is Madison, Madison this is Max, Harvey, Leo, and Tilly," she says pointing to each one of them.
"It's great to finally meet my new family, and you can call me Madi," I say.
"Max and Harvey are your age," Mom says.
"Great," I say sarcasticly then they go upstairs.
"Well I am going to decorate my room," I say.
"Ok I will help you carry your stuff upstairs," she says.
I finished decorating my room.

I set up my makeup area with the makeup we bought

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I set up my makeup area with the makeup we bought.

I set up my makeup area with the makeup we bought

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Then did my bathroom.

I had to throw something away so I walked down stairs then stopped

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I had to throw something away so I walked down stairs then stopped.
"Mom, dad, why is she here," says one of the boys I think was Harvey.
"She's your sister that's why," dad says.
"She's not going to school with us is she," he says.
"She's going to be homeschooled, " Mom says. Which I am fine with.
"Good maybe she can't embarrass us," Harvey says.
"So you think I'm embarrassing," I yell throwing my garbage away then running upstairs. A few seconds later someone knocks on my door.
"Go away," I say but who ever it is walks in anyway.
"I didn't say any of that I actually kinda like having you here, Harvey made me come down stairs with him," he says. So it must Max.
"Thanks," I say looking up at him.
"What are you looking at," he asks noticing the picture in my hand.
"A picture of my best friend, her boyfriend, my boyfriend, and me when I was still home," I say.
"Well now you are home," he says sitting down. I just laughed.
"Would you like to see something," he asks.
"Sure," I say.
"Put on a bathing suit and clothes over it and meet me downstairs when you're ready," he says.
"Okay, go so I can change," I say pushing him out. I change into this.

 I change into this

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Put this over.

Without the necklace

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Without the necklace. And walked down stairs.
"We're going for a walk," Max yells.
"Ok, stay safe," Mom says.
"Let's go," I say. We walk and talk for a while till we reached a cave.
"Are you sure this is safe," I ask.
"Yep, I come here all the time," he says.
"Who knows about this place," I ask.
"Only me and now you," he says as we walk into this huge open space.

"Only me and now you," he says as we walk into this huge open space

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"Max this is beautiful," I say.
"Well let's get swimming sis," he says.
"Okay," I say before taking off my clothes leaving me in my bathing suit and jump in.

I have no clue if there are beaches where they live but let's just pretend there are.
Word count: 604

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