Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery

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Spinal discs are the spongy, cushioning material located in between each vertebra down the spine. They are important for offering cushioning for the bones and permit for flexing, turning, and rotating movements. As a body ages, these discs degenerate and stop working causing a shortage of fluid within the discs or tears to form, exactly where the jelly-like interior can seep out.

People who tend not to notice progress from non-surgical treatment (including drugs, injections, chiropractic therapy, and physical rehabilitation) will almost certainly be well suited for artificial disc replacement surgery or vertebrae fusion. Doctors will use an MRI to look for the quantity of damage, and discography shall be utilized to isolate exactly where the problem lies. Discography is the process of injecting dye directly into the discs and having to take x-rays and a CT scan to examine which discs are related to your backache.

In the past, vertebral fusion was really the most common practice used to get rid of neck pain from degenerative disc disease. In fusion surgeries, the disc is taken away and substituted with bone and the vertebrae are fused as one, eliminating movement, and substantially reducing throbbing in the region. Artificial disc replacement, on the other hand, enables for the normal, or close to natural, movement of the back. Recovery is normally a lot quicker in comparison with spinal fusion as well as.

Certain medical ailments may prevent you from being a good candidate for disc replacement surgery. Sufferers of spondylolisthesis, osteoporosis, fractures of the vertebrae, a spinal lump, spinal infection, or allergies to the artificial materials, and those who are pregnant or very overweight will be not well suited for surgery.

Take a look at to learn more about Vertebrae and Upper back pain answers.- [ spine surgery video]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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