Chapter 8

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I stared into Pinetree's eyes as he looked like he was at war with himself. I could my heart bubbling with delight as I sighed. It filled me with great joy to know he loved me even in my demonic form.

But how foolish I was to come here in this body, it would have been so easy to just have come in here in the form he knew not one he had only seen at schools and when I would make speeches and what not.

How I had to resist the urge to talk to him all these years but he was still a child, children are just that and they shouldn't have to worry about love like the one we will share.

But now it's different, because Pinetree is finally old enough to be my bride and be with me forever.

I opened my mouth to speak again and stared deeply into Pinetree's eyes once more.

"Pinetree,  I am your Bill. The one who said he would be back for you on your eighteen birthday so we can be together forever" He's eye light up in joy, it looked adorable but then it went away because he seemed to not believe me.

I sighed again " Look I'll prove it."

I gave him a soft smile which he returned with a bashful expression which made my heart flutter.

I transformed into my demonic form and appeared as the triangle Pinetree had grown to know and fall in love with all those years back, I'm still surprise he waited for me. But I couldn't be happier.

Pintree gasp and he walk towards me,lifting  his hand in the air before a few tears streamed down his face. He looked me in the eyes and I gently nod and I leaned forward causing him to smile softly.

He gently touched my check,  caressing it gently before pulling me in to a tight hug. This caught me by surprise so a soft gasp escaped me but soon I wrapped my arms around him and tears streamed down my face and fill onto his back.

He pulled away and wiped my tears away before resting our foreheads against each other's.

"'s really you. I have been waiting for you and now you're finally here with me".

" Forever Pinetree, I'm never leaving you again."

He smiled " Bill can I kiss you in this form-"

I blushed and Pinetree chuckled. I rolled my eye but smile, it was almost painful but I was so happy.

" How about you kiss me in this form~" I purred.

I snapped my fingers and I transformed into the human form. I leaned in slowly and he blushed before leaning in. I wrapped my arms around his waste and pulled him closer and our lips where inches away before Stanly yelled.

" Stop!"

I rolled my eyes and so did Pinetree before he smiled with delight and hugged me back tightly like he was afraid this was all a happy dream that he would wake up from.

" I missed you Bill."

I closed my eye as a few tears slid down my face and I hugged him tighter.

" I missed you to Dipper."

We hugged for what seemed like eternity and I never wanted it to end but the meatsacks in the room where getting inpatient and Shooting-Star cleared her throat, angrily and loudly so I would hear.

I rolled my eye and pulled away from Pinetree's warm and loving arms. He pouted which only made me chuckled and I stuck my arm out and he stared  at it before looking back up at me. I wave my arm around slightly before he grabbed it causing him to blush lightly.

I smiled and squeezed his hand softly. I then kissed his forehead; where his beautiful Big Dipper mark is that he's always been embarrassed about but I know the truth. It's beautiful and magical just like him.

" I love you and your lovely and magical Big Dipper mark."

He blushed harder before kissing my cheek.

" I love you too, you adorable triangle."

I shot him a smile before turning to look at the other three meatsacks. Don't get me wrong at this moment all I want to do is get lost in Pinetree's eyes and catch up on all the time missed but first I have to deal with them.

I decided to focus my gaze on Shooting-Star, as she was the angerest of the three and she had all the right to be.

" Look meatsacks" I began but paused because I didn't really know what to say. I looked around the room at the angry faces of  Pinetree's family before looking back at Shooting-Star and sighing, I mean I'm not surprise they're angry.

I mean I'm a demon, who did take over their world and know as their Ruler for all eternity and to top it all off I am taking their Nephew away because he is my mate.

" Pinetree is right, You guys aren't going to be able to change the fact that Pinetree and I are mates so just accept it. We love each other very much and I promise to make him very happy and you guys can visit him in the castle if you'd lik-."

Shooting-Star mumbled something but I couldn't make it out. She was staring at the ground and her hair was covering her whole face. She soon looked up, moved her hair from her face and stared at me with bloodshot eyes. Pink tears stream down her face and I heard Pinetree whimper.

I squeezed his hand gently but didn't look at him, if I did I wouldn't want to look away and I would want to stop his pain but I can't. Because his sister is his pain, one we both have to face this day.

" SHUT UP BILL! Leave us alone and let Dipper marry anyone else who isn't you!" She said word with so much venom and Pinetree stared at her shock but my face remain neutral.

Her out lash was to be expected. This was all the be expected.

" Just answer me one thing Bill, one thing-"

I twirled my cane slightly before leaning a bit on the side.


She chuckled dryly as she wiped her eyes softly.

" Why him out of all the people in the world, out of every living creature in existence why did it have to be my brother! The person I love the most in the world! Why couldn't you just be with someone else".

She trailed off before I cut her off.

Flames circled us and Pintree floated into the air, a safe distance away. Shooting star stared at me in horror as did Stanly and Sixer.i floated into the air and spoke in a disfigured voice.

" Look I didn't decide it! I know their so many meat-sacks on these planet but I don't choice who I fall in love. I can't help it that the meatsacks that it turned out to be was Pinetree but I do not regret it! I love him and I will always love him and I will protect him. I will swear on my life that I will never hurt him or make him do anything he doesn't want to do and I will protect him. I love him!"

I sighed before lowering Pinetree gently into my arms and main everything go back to normal.

He was crying.

Oh no.

" Pinetree are you alrig-"

He cut me off by placing his lips against mine.

" I love you so much Bill."

I smiled and kissed back.

" I love you to Dipper".

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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