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It was just another ordinary day for Y/N and her best friend Jacinda. Jacinda smiled as she lied down on her bed and just continued surfing through Instagram. She sent every alternate post to her best friend. It was one of those days when Jacinda felt really happy and blessed. She was grateful that she had ended up meeting a kpop fan because of that dreadful place called college. Apart from all the things she hated about her college, there were things she loved. And that was because she had finally found her place, a place where she felt she belonged, a place where she didn't feel alone.

She didn't realise that she was lost in her thoughts until her phone vibrated. She smiled thinking it was a message from Y/N, but it was a link that someone in the 'Kpop trash' group had sent. Normally, Jacinda refrained from reading any messages in that group, but she clicked the link and what she saw broke her heart. She immediately typed the name 'Jonghyun' in the search box and read an article that crushed her. She didn't say anything, and she didn't do anything about it either. About half an hour later, Y/N sent her the link of the same article. For a while, both of them denied it. Both of them refused to believe what the article said. They refused to believe that Jonghyun was gone. They kept looking for possible explanations that would completely nullify these negative thoughts. 'There were reports of him just fainting, he's fighting, he will survive, he's gonna be alright, he's just unconscious'– these were the thoughts that kept them going. But, when SM confirmed it, their whole world collapsed. Jacinda was fine. She was gonna be fine because she had been through such a situation before. A situation where someone she admired was no more. She knew she could make it. Or she hoped that she would.

Y/n on the other hand, had remained in denial for a while. But, once it settled in, the pain was too much to handle. Her Bling bling Jonghyun was gone. Every shawol went through the same kind of emotions. Some of them coped. Some didn't. Some simply gave up. Some hated him for leaving, while some simply followed their idol and decided to leave the world too. Everyone was effected in some way of the other.

All Y/N and Jacinda could think of for the next few days was Jonghyun. Was he in that much pain? When they read his letter, they realised that their bling bling angel was barely holding on. He had been barely holding onto life for so long and that hurt more than anything. Y/N took it upon herself to remind people about the amazing life that Jonghyun lived. She wanted people to remember him forever. That's how it began. She began posting about Jonghyun on their fan account. At first, people thought she was doing it for attention. There were people who said that she suddenly started caring about Jonghyun just because she wanted followers. But only she knew how much she loved him. Only she knew how much his loss had effected her.

Note: This part is partially based on what me and takeyoutothemoon went through. PARTIALLY. I can't even begin to explain all the emotions we went through. This book is inspired by real situations but not based on real life entirely. Again, no offence to anyone.
I'm writing this in a rush, but my motive is to try and make things better for shawols. Emphasis on try.

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