First impressions

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this is from a book I created, but it wasn't getting any here it is......ughhh ...I feel so illlllll

Tom- height, 3'ft26, dyslexia, parents? Age, 7, asthma

Tord- height 3'ft14, adopted, sadistic, struggles with English, homosexual guardians, age, 7

Edd- height, 3'ft37, very hyperactive, almost straight A's, age, 8

Matt- height, 3'ft86, slight bit of autism and ADHD, age, 8

Tords pov

I hate my life! I had to move to this palce called 'L-lon....London'. Like, why can't we stay in Norway?-- then I wouldn't have to learn English and make new friends...not like I had any anyway.. I was always bullied when I first went to primary, so aleast now I'll have a chance.

When I arrive my pappa said that I would be in year 1 but its almost august, so I'll be year 2 soon.

"Søtnos, its time to go to sleep!" (Thats Norweigain for sweetie) my dad, Paul called to me.

"Okay, dada!" I rushed to my wardrobe only to jump into an oversized red jumper to bed. My pappa came to tuck me in and kiss me goodnight.

Tommorrow will be eventfull...


The Next Day

An annoying buzz came from my room, something familliar...but wh-- SCHOOL!!! I'MA BE LATE IF I DON'T HURRY UP!!!

downstairs pov

Patryk looked to Paul "Is Tord awake?"

Paul just shrugged as he read the newspaper

Back to Tords pov

I darted out my room once I was ready and quickly said my good-bye's as I grabbed my backpack and ran to the bus.

I made it! Phew! Now to sit somewhere...

I found a seat that was secluded from the others. I pulled out some hentai and started looking at the pages. Pappa and dad said I wasn't allowed to read it untill I'm 18, but in my mind I am 18 already! So FAEN THEM!

The bus stopped to pick the next person off, and I had to admit..he was rather cute. He noticed me staring and he caught me off-guard with a heart-warming smile, I couldn't help but to smile back..he was using some sort of magic on me. I quickly swivel to the other side as fast as I can, trying to stay on my side for the rest of the journey there.

Toms pov

I noticed someone new, he looked shy so I decided to talk to him..

"Hey!" I smiled. He poked his head my way, accomanied with shyness.

He waved hesitently

"You new here?" I obviouly knew the answer, but I wanted to start up the conversation.

He nodded

"Can...can you speak?" I asked trying not to be rude

He nodded yet again

"Then why don't you..?"

"I-I'll stand out..." he said very quietly, with a very thick accent.

"What do you mean.., your voice?.."

He looked down and nodded slightly. I lifted his head up to face me and I gifted him with a warm smile.

"Really?...c'mon, is that it, I have black eyes! Anyway, standing out is better then blending in with a boring crowd, trust me. Besides, I think you sound cool!" I saw him blush faintly, and give me the slightest half smile. I giggled softly as I let him go, he relaxed which made me smile more.

"So, would you mind if me and my friends could hang out with you later?" I pondered out-loud. He almost looked shoked at that question, but nodded, trying to hide a smile...


At school

Me, Matt and Edd all hopped off the bus to our class. We sat down and talked, then Tord came in, I invited him over, leaving Edd and Matt a slight bit confused, since normally I'd be shy around new people.

I introduced him to the others.

"Edd, Matt, this is the new kid, his name is Tord!" I brightly smiled

"Hey, Todd! I'm Matt!"

"N-name is Tord, n-no Todd" He struggled.

"Whoa! Your voice!" Edd perks up. Tord blushes from embarrassment. I put my hand on Tords shoulder, reasuring him.

This will be intresting..

Tell me what you think

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