Part 11

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Hi guys, hope you enjoyed the story so far. I cried and struggled to write the last part as it was emotional but I hope it done justice :) enjoy the rest and leave a comment if you enjoy it.


Jace stood up "il get a glass of water" walking off as Max followed. Isabelle looked at Alec "you ok now?" Alec nods as he looks at Magnus who's comforting him "just tired" alec says. Magnus looks at Isabelle as she stands "il leave you two alone for a bit and also feel free to hold your niece again" she smiles walking out the room

Alec's head stays down as Magnus cups his cheek "hey, they're lovely right?" Alec nods as he looks at Magnus "yeah and I'm an uncle" Alec smiles as he looks over at Gracie asleep in the baby bouncer "she's gorgeous ain't she?, like her uncle" Alec smiles at her then he kisses Magnus on the lips "I love you" alec says as Magnus looks at him

Cupping Alec's cheeks he presses his mouth on Alec's for a while as they kiss before pulling back "yeah, I love you too" they both smile at each other lost in each other's eyes "I know it's been hard but you've done so well and we can come back anytime after all we are just down the road"

"We won't be forever though" alec says as he starts to sob ,Magnus sits by him now as he envelops him in an hug "Alec ,I know this is mad and a big ask but what do you say if I found a place nearby for us to rent?, just the two of us" Alec wipes his eyes smiling at him

"You serious?, I mean you live with me" magnus nods "yeah but let's not tell anyone just yet" Magnus winks. Isabelle and the others come in the room just as Alec's lips are on Magnus again and they kiss for a moment before pulling back ,Isabelle smiles at them.

Alec looks at his watch "it's almost 3 already" Magnus turns to Isabelle and Jace "why don't you come down my friends house for a bit?, that way you can all catch up and Alec can fall asleep when he wants" Magnus laughs as Isabelle looks at them "yeah ok, we will just follow you on by" she smiles

Isabelle picks Gracie out of her carrier holding her on her lap as Alec just sits on the sofa "hey, want to go to uncle Alec?" Alec looks up as Isabelle hands her over gently ,Alec holds her close as he puts her against his chest and she rests her head on his shoulder as his one hand on her back and he looks at her "hi Gracie" .



As the time goes by and they go home and promise to text each other. Alec takes Magnus hand pulling him somewhere "hey where we going?" Alec walks them up the stairs into their bedroom as he starts taking his clothes on "well come on" Alec laughs as Magnus stands there and closes the door behind him ,as he locks it.

Magnus takes his clothes off aswell walking towards Alec. "Chill out, were only showering together.." Magnus follows Alec into the bathroom keeping the door open as the other is locked. Alec turns the shower on as he looks in the mirror as Magnus stands behind and pushes himself against Alec.

Wrapping his arm around Alec's waist as he kisses his way up his neck to his cheek "your so gorgeous" Alec blushes in the mirror as Magnus looks in the mirror at him smiling

Taking their briefs off as they step into the shower, Magnus pulls Alec close.



Alec started stirring in bed as he kicked the sheets and kicked Magnus in the leg waking him. Magnus sat up slowly as he switched the light on to see Alec rolling about in bed kicking the sheets as his breathing picked up. Magnus grabbed the inhaler off the side before shaking alec "Alec..Alexander" .

Alec opened his eyes as he sat up with Magnus help "here" Magnus gave Alec the inhaler as he took it twice then looked at Magnus "sorry, did I wake you?" Magnus lays back down as Alec does and opens his arms for Alec to cuddle into him. "It's ok" Magnus wraps an arm around Alec's shoulder pulling him close as Alec's hand rested on Magnus bare chest.

"I don't want to sleep..I mean I can't" Magnus rubs Alec's back soothingly until he moves his hand lower stopping at Alec's waistband "why don't you sleep on me?..I mean maybe that way you'll know I'm here" alec sits up looking at him as he thinks for a moment "uh..won't you be uncomfortable?" Magnus nods

Alec wipes his tired eyes before Magnus moves his leg and Alec's bare leg touches Magnus bare legs as he moves in between Magnus legs and leans in Magnus giving him a kiss on the lips before settling his head on his chest "umm..this is nice" Magnus laughs at him.

Magnus puts a hand sliding down Alec's briefs as he touches his ass resting his hand there before Alec looks at him "move your hand" alec smirks as Magnus takes his hand out and puts it on Alec's ass cheeks as he caresses his ass moving Alec more on him.

"Better? Or this..." Magnus moves his leg tangling it with Alec's as their feet touch one another, Magnus pulls the sheets to their waists. As he turns the light off.

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