Chapter 4

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Time skip to the dinner~~

They all arrived at the restaurant, starving ready to eat anything they see.

"Okay, your table is table 9 in the corner right over there" The waiter said gesturing to the corner.

"Thank you" They all said, bowing.

They all sat down at the table. Namjoon and Jin sat next to each other then Suga and J-hope, Emily and Jungkook. Before they arrived Jungkook had decided to continue the flirting with Emily. Once they sat down Jungkook wrapped his arms around her.

'Is it just me or is it hot in here?' Jungkook said to himself while fanning his shirt with his free hand.

'I guess he likes me?! But why is he doing this to me if he doesn't?' Emily thought to herself.

Jimin and Taehyung just froze, Jimin sat beside Emily and Taehyung beside Jimin. Jungkook's cheeks were tinting a beautiful blush colour. Jimin noticed this, so he started glaring at him across from Emily.

"Okay guys, lets just get straight to the point."Namjoon said. All of them nodded.

"Are you two dating?!" Namjoon whisper-yelled, waving his finger back and forward pointing from Emily to Jungkook.  Jimin and Taehyung noticed Jungkook's lips curving upwards when Namjoon asked them.

"Ugh..yea." Jimin said smiling, pushing Jungkook's arm off of Emily. When Jimin wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him, Emily's eyes shot open.

 When Jimin wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him, Emily's eyes shot open

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"oh. You two? I thought that it would be Emily and Jungkoo.." The rest of the members said, their voices trailing off.

For the rest of the dinner, Jungkook just slouched in his chair. He was jealous and sad.

'But why?' He asked himself.

'W'why is Jimin saying we're dating? Why did he wrap his arms around me?' Emily asked herself forgetting what Namjoon was saying about BTS's next debut.

In the midst of the dinner Jimin let go of Emily. She sighed in relief.

'Finally, but his warmth was so..nice' Emily mentally kicked herself for thinking of that.

Then Jimin tapped Jungkook on the shoulder and glared at him.

Then Jimin tapped Jungkook on the shoulder and glared at him

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"Yah, let's go outside for a minute I need to talk to you." Jimin said gesturing his head towards the door.

"Ah, okay hyung." Jungkook replied.

Jimin's POV~~ 

'How dare he? Why was he going to say they were dating? Why was he happy?' I screamed inside my head. Jungkook must've saw my facial expression, he placed his hand on my shoulder and asked me

"Hyung is something wrong? Is it cause me and Emi-" I cut him off. I placed my hands on both his shoulders and pushed him against the brick walls forcefully.

"Yah! What are you doing! What did I do!" Jungkook yelled trying to push me off of him.

I didn't care. I punched him.  I still continued punching him even after seeing the blood dripping from his head and lips. I was about to go in for one last punch but then someone grabbed my fist. I looked down at who it was and saw it was Emily. She grabbed my fist then twisted my arm behind my back.

I whimpered in pain.

"Ow ow ow ow" I yelled.

"Shut up! You're acting all hurt from this when your best-friend is getting punched by his older, favourite hyung!" Emily yelled at me.

'What did I do? Did I seriously do this over a girl. Over Emily!' I said, infuriated by my actions.

Jungkook's POV~~

'What did I do.' I thought to myself

"Hyung"I tried saying, my voice was so quiet. 

"Hyung" I said, my voice trailing off.

My eyes shut close, I couldn't see anything.

My body fell sideways onto the ground.

 I felt them shaking me trying to wake me up.

The last thing I could hear was

"call the ambulance!"

A/N: Hope you guys like this book so far! I'd love it if you guys commented, I love reading comments and hearing feedbacks from others! Anyways have a good night!

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