Chapter 5

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Jimins POV~

I called an ambulance.

"911, what's your emergency?" The responder asked.

"My friend got punched and he passed out against the wall." I said hesitantly to the responder.

"Okay, can we please get your address and we'll send over an ambulance." They said.

I replied with "Umm,122 unicorn avenue." I hung up the phone and looked down at Emily who was holding Jungkook's hand while his unconscious head lays in her lap,

"Are they sending over a ambulance?" Emily asked me, while caressing Jungkook's cheek.

"... yes" I stated, though it sounded more like a question. We stood there with a awkward silence. We both waited outside for about 10 minutes then we heard the restaurant doors open. We both looked up and noticed it was Namjoon. He looked at me. then at Emily, then finally he noticed a unconscious Jungkook lying on the floor with blood dripping from his busted lip and bruises that I had caused. I looked down at the ground, attempting to avoid Namjoon's eyes.

He walked over to me and asked me,

"What the hell happened here!" I stood in-front of him not saying anything, dumbfounded. I had no idea what to say-or what to tell him. Then the rest of my hyungs- and Taehyung  came out. They noticed the ambulance coming our way. The paramedics jogged over to us with huge medical bags.  They put on a oxygen mask and placed him on a stretcher. The paramedics put him in the car and asked us

"We can have one person ride with us, who will?"

Me and Emily both at the same time raised our hands and said

"Me." We turned and looked at each other. Emily stared at me while raising her eyebrow at me. She was about to step in the ambulance but I put my arm in front of the car doors to block her from going in. I stepped inside, Emily rolled her eyes. The paramedic closed the door on her and we drove away. I looked down at Jungkook, I heard a faint, tiny voice.


I grabbed his hand, with my other hand resting on my knee.

"hyung.." He said again.

"Yes" I replied tightening my grip on his hand.

"Im sorry." Jungkook said to him as he faded into his sleep, slowly.

Tears rolled my cheeks 

'He didn't even do anything wrong, and he's sorry? I should be the one who got beat up because I'm the asshole here'

The ambulance came to a stop in-front of the hospital, the paramedic opened the back doors and rolled Jungkook out into a room. 

Emily popped out of nowhere, following where the doctors wheeled Jungkook.

"How and when did you even get here?" I ask her



"5 minutes."

"Are you mad?"


"At me?"


The last statement broke me. She's probably never going to talk to me ever again, I have no chance with her now.

I sat down on a chair in Jungkook's hospital room. The nurse attached a IV and gave me a form too fill out.

"Please fill this out as soon as possible." She bowed and walked out of the room.

I started filling out the form when a girl walked into the room, she was unfamiliar. The girl put her hand over her hand and ran to Jungkook's bed. 

"Who are you?" I ask, blocking her from going to Jungkook's bed.

"What happened to him!" She yelled

"He just got in an accident." Emily said

I turn my head to look at Emily, the girl left.

"Why didn't you say the truth?" I ask

She just ignored me and started filling out forms.


We've been in the hospital for 2 days now and Jungkook still hasn't woken up yet. All of us have gotten barley any sleep or gotten any food for the past few days. All I can think about is Jungkook and Emily.

'Is he going to be mad when he wakes up? Well he remember me? Well he know what happened?'

'Is Emily going to forgive me? I wish I didn't do this to Jungkook, it was just an impulse, I was mad and sad and he was the one who triggered so I took it out on him when he did nothing wrong. Maybe I should back off of Emily since they both like each other. Sorry.' 

I was sleeping with my head resting on Jungkook's bed when I felt a finger tapping on my head. I woke up a saw that Jungkook had woken up.

I screamed 


"Yea" He mumbled.

A tear escaped my eye and down my cheek,

'I'm so happy he's okay, I hope he forgives me'

"Who are you?"

A/N: Im back and better than ever! So i took a little (long) break and i've made my return. Sorry if you were waiting for me to update:( Anyways hope you liked this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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