Red Velvet's enterince

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Rosé's POV
I'm finally with Jimin the guy of my dreams but Jungkook is being an ass to my best friend. G-Dragon was in the hospital that was all I knew till now, now I knew he faked trying to kill himself, what an ass I trusted him that he wouldn't lie to me but he did.

~after class

I went to go talk to G-Dragon but I think I yelled to much because he was already upset and I think I made it worse.

"How could you lie to me, you told me nothing happened but I want to know what happened to your neck." I demand.

"I don't want to talk about it." He said flatly.

"Please we are friend and we promised not to lie to each other"I said with a tear in my eye.

"Fine I...I tried to com... commit suicide." He said sadly.

"No you faked that, Jungkook said so"I said realizing that I hurt his feeling.

"I didn't fake it but whatever I'm le...le...leaving"he said as he ran away crying.

I feel bad but I believe Jungkook more and I know I shouldn't because I have been friend with G-Dragon longer. I love Jimin but do I really want to be his girlfriend or do I want to be G-Dragon's to make sure he isn't made fun of and bullied for a serious issue like trying to kill yourself. I was trying to find G-Dragon and I ran into Jungkook.

"Oh hi Jungkook have you seen G-Dragon?" I asked nicely.

"No, but why are you looking for that faker?"he asked rudely.

"I'm looking for him because I love him." I said and just then Jimin walked up.

"What are you guys talking about"he asked.

"Oh nothing" me and Jungkook at the same time.

"Oh, ok let's go Rosé, it's time for our date" he said.

I just nodded and we were off. I turned back after we turned a corner and saw G-Dragon crying in front of his locker and when he saw me with Jimin he ran and hid in his locker.

G-Dragon's POV
I was in my locker because I was hiding from Jimin and Rosé and of course Jungkook. I was bullied so much lately and Rosé being with Jimin didn't help. I suddenly heard the voices of Red Velvet and boy are they beautiful. Then I heard them starting to open my locker.

"Hey G-Dragon what are you doing in the locker" asked Wendy. She was really nice to me.

"Um.... hiding from Jimin, Rosé, and Jungkook" I said with tears rushing down me face.

"Why" asked Irene

"Well they all have been bullying me" I answered.

"Well we should go talk to them that's not right" said Joy and Yeri at the same time.

"Yeah I agree" said Seulgi.

"No they will kill me" I said unable to hold back the tears.

Then I turned back and saw Rosé coming over here with....... Jungkook?

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