The Evil Plan

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Yeri's POV
Today was the day to ruin Jiyong's life. I always hated him so this is going to be fun.

"Hey, G, Rosé told me to give this to you." I said.

"Thanks." He said and then he started reading to where only we heard it.

"Jiyong meet me at the coffee shop by the mall at 3:30 p.m, see you then." He read.

Irene's POV
Today Wendy's plan was to unfold but Rosé and Jiyong are my BFF's and I didn't want to do this but Wendy's happiness is important to me.

"Rosé, Jiyong wanted me to give you this." I said.

"Oh can we read it. Rosé meet me at 3:35 at the coffee shop by the mall." She read and she seemed happy but I know she shouldn't be.

Joy's POV
So today we had to ruin Jiyong's life but why would I do that I mean he is my best friend. I'm only doing this for Wendy and Jimin only agreed because his best friend Yoongi will be there.

"Hey Seulgi are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah but are you." She asked.

" No." I said flatly.

Wendy's POV
I can finally kiss Jiyong before he hates me for the rest of my life but it will be so worth it.

Jiyong's POV
Time to meet my the little Rosé. I love her so much but I was waiting for like 4 minutes when Wendy came with Joy and Seulgi.

"Hey wen-dy" and just then she kissed me and I tried to get away but Joy and Seulgi held my arms down and then Wendy turned her head and I saw what she saw, It was Rosé, oh no. Rosé was just standing there and then her face changed and she came over to me and said.

" How could you I love you but you clearly don't love me." She said while crying.

"Of course I love you, she kissed me against my will." I said also crying a little.

"I don't believe you and you know what we're done, bye Kwon Jiyong." She said as she left me there crying.

This is all Wendy's felt but why was Joy, Irene, Yeri, and Seulgi with her. It was the next day and on the TV's at school had a weird video a till I realized it was Rosé breaking my heart yesterday and everyone was laughing at me and cheering for Rosé. They were saying things like "good job Rosé, you dumped the most popular boy in the school" and stuff like "that will show him the next time he cheats" but I have never tried to cheat on someone on purpose before, so I went to hide by my locker but Wendy was there waiting for me.

"Hi my little Jiyong." She said.

"Leave me alone, I hate you, I hate myself, I hate everyone at this school, and I hate my life." I said.

"I'm sorry but I love you and I know you will never be with me so I needed some way to kiss you because you were with Rosé." She said.

"Leave now!" I yelled.

"No" she said.

She said no so I pushed her to the ground and I'm guessing that's all T.O.P saw because he came up and hit me.

"What the hell men." I said holding my cheek.

"Why did you hit a girl?" T.O.P said.

"She ruined my life, she's the reason Rosé broke up with me and everyone is being mean to me."I said.

"Oh, well then that's what you deserve, Wendy." He said.

"Wow, well I'm going to tell the principal what you did Kwon Jiyong." She said and what do you know less then 15 minutes later I was called to the principal office.

"Jiyong why did you push this young lady to the ground?" She asked.

"Well she umm... I had no reason, I was just in a bad mood, I'm sorry Wendy." I answered in a lie.

"Well I hate to do this to my best student but you are suspended for a week, I'm so sorry Jiyong." She said with a sad face and then she called my mom who was here in a manner of minutes. My mom got me to the car and when we got home she took me to the basement and before she left she said.

"You are not getting out of here till the weekend and I will bring you your food." She said and then locked the door after she left and then I got a text from..... Rosé.

Rosé hey Jiyong I heard what happened and that's what you deserve

Jiyong: what do you want Rosé

Rosé:I want to go out with you again, I'm sorry for not believing you  until I saw the video Wendy made.

Jiyong: ok I will!

Rosé: thanks my Jiyong.

My mom came back down and said that my suspendchin was lifted. I went back to school to see a big banner saying welcome back loser/ faker.

Three more characters till*spoiler alert* Jiyong kills him self.

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