j-hope ~ dance teacher

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Your hand was shaking as you picked up your bag and headed out of your apartment. Today was your first day in a private class with your new dance teacher. You'd heard of him before and seen videos of him and his former students dancing, and you were absolutely terrified to disappoint him.

The studio was only a couple of blocks from your apartment, and you were there before you knew it because you had been so focused on your anxiety. You pushed open the front door and walked back to a well-lit room with mirrors covering the walls. Letting out a shaky sigh, you set your bag down by the wall and began to stretch. You sat down and reached for your toes.

"Ah, you must be (y/n)."

You jumped in surprise, nearly pulling your hamstring.

"No need to worry," you heard him chuckle as you turned around, "I'm Hoseok, your new instructor."

Holy crap he's hot.

He reached out his hand to help you up. You took it and he pulled you off the floor effortlessly. "Looks like you're already warmed up so let's see what you've got." He leaned against the wall, and you could see how toned and muscular his body was. You could barely take your eyes off of him.

But somehow you managed to tear your eyes from him and started your favorite song. As you began to dance, your anxiety melted away. This was your most natural state. You felt exactly how the music flowed and moved your body along with it.

You were so caught up in your dancing that you didn't notice Hoseok biting his lip and smirking as he watched you.

Suddenly the music stopped, startling you as your anxiety returned. 

"I think I've seen enough."

Oh shoot he's gonna kick me out, you thought to yourself. Fear was written clearly across your face.

"I was a bit worried at first but I think you'll do quite well," he smirked at you and took a step closer. You stayed put, totally confused as to what he meant. He moved even closer, examining your features. You looked up at him and got lost in his deep brown eyes.

He paused and stepped back. "Ah, sorry. I shouldn't have done that. It's just... you're beautiful." Hoseok blushed and scratched his head. "I mean- your dancing was beautiful. Good job."

Now you were even more confused, but the rest of your lesson went as expected. You showed him your choreography and he critiqued your form and technique and helped you to perfect it.

"See you next week," you called as you swung your bag over your shoulder and turned to leave.


You turned back to Hoseok.

"Maybe we could hang out before then... can I get your number?" He shuffled his feet and looked away, blushing a bright rosy red. You couldn't help but giggle at the sight before you; a gorgeous, toned, tall man standing before you, too nervous to even look you in the eyes.

"Of course!" You took his phone and entered your number, then handed it back. "Bye then!"

"See ya (y/n)," he winked.

You turned around just in time to hide the slight blush that began to creep across your face.

Ahhhh sorry if it sucks. I don't usually write stuff like this. If y'all have any tips please tell me because I'd love to get better at writing this stuff instead of my crappy emo poetry lol

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