RM ~ Sick Day

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm blaring, just like every day, and groaned as you reached over to turn it off. But as you sat up, you nearly lost the contents of your stomach. You decided to just go ahead and shower, it was probably nothing, and you have work today, but the next thing you knew, you were leaning over the toilet, puking your guts out.

Dammit. I'm going to have to call in sick.

You trudged back to your room and picked up your phone to see a text from your close friend, Namjoon.

You wanna hang out today after work?

Sorry. Sick day :/

Aww Y/N
Should I come take care of you?

No no it's ok. I dont want you to
get sick too. Plus my apartment
is a complete mess

It's ok. I'll be there in 30 minutes.
Do you have stuff to make soup?

As much as I appreciate it, I am
not letting you use my kitchen

Oh come on Y/N
I promise I won't break
anything this time :(

Fine. You'll have to go to the store first

Alright see you soon

You quickly called your boss to let her know what was up, and thankfully she was very understanding. Placing your phone back on the table, you decided to lay down and rest a bit before Namjoon arrived. Lord knows you'll need it. As much as you loved having him as a friend (although you wouldn't mind if it was more than that), he was so clumsy and often tripped and broke things, and you often worried about him hurting himself. With that on your mind, you drifted off to sleep.

"Y/N, open up!" Namjoon banged on the door, violently tearing you from your peaceful slumber.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." You wrapped yourself up in your favorite fluffy blanket and stumbled to the door. When you opened it, you found your best friend there, holding what appeared to be at least 7 grocery bags, all completely full.

"Finally. I was starting to worry you had fainted or something." He set the bags down on the counter and collapsed into a chair, exhausted from carrying them up all the stairs to your apartment.

"Oppa, what is all of this? I thought you were just going to try to make soup."

"I was, but then I saw your favorite candies as well, and some chips for me, and a bunch of soda to help your stomach feel better." Namjoon smiled at you and his sweet dimples nearly melted your heart. Either that or being sick was making you dizzy.

It turns out it was the sickness. It hit you suddenly, and you started to lose your balance. Namjoon leapt out of his chair and almost caught you in time, but in the end you both fell. You landed harshly on top of him, your eyes squeezed shut, gripping onto his shirt.

You both just laid there for a moment. Had you opened your eyes, you would have seen how closely he was examining your features, and as cliche as it is, he couldn't find any faults.

Namjoon snapped out of his trance and coughed, catching your attention. Noticing the position you were in, barely inches from his face, you scrambled to your feet; head low, muttering apologies.

You swayed where you stood, about to fall again, but you felt an arm around your waist, steadying you.

"Here. I'll take you to your room and start on the soup. You just rest."

All you could do was nod and follow him, still apologizing. He just shook his head as he guided you to your bedroom, around the clothes scattered across the floor. Miraculously, you made it to your bed without either of you tripping. You thanked Namjoon as he left your room, but you weren't sure he heard you on his way out.

You woke up rather abruptly for the third time that day, this time to the sound of a pot hitting the floor, then a gentle voice saying "I'm ok." from the kitchen. Dang it oppa. But since he said he was fine, you simply rolled over and went back to sleep.

After a few minutes Namjoon snuck into your room while you were still sleeping and cleared a path in the clothes to get safely to your bed for when he brought the soup later. He left the room with a smug face. See Y/N, I'm not always tripping and breaking things. I'm smart. However, when he walked back into the kitchen, the soup had boiled over and spilled all over the stove. Namjoon just sighed and decided he would clean it up after you had eaten.

     Eventually you woke up. When you looked at the clock, you saw it was already 1 pm. Just as you started to wonder what Namjoon was up to, he appeared in your doorway holding a bowl of soup with the biggest smile on his face. That was also when you noticed the path on your floor and you nearly laughed out loud. Such a dork.

"How long have you been up Y/N?"

"Oh I just woke up." You smiled back at him.

"Good timing," he handed you the warm bowl, "I hope it isn't terrible."

You took the soup from his hands and took a small whiff. Doesn't smell too bad... You hesitated, then slowly took a sip.

It took every last ounce of your willpower not to spit it out. After managing to swallow, you turned to smile at Namjoon, hoping you could hide your reaction from him.

"That terrible, huh?" He laughed.

"No no no. It just... it surprised... me... yeah."

"You don't have to eat it." He chuckled as he took the bowl from your hands and set it down on the nightstand. "Feeling any better?"

     "A bit, yeah," you paused, "thanks for doing all this for me."

     He smiled his adorable dimpled smile once again, "It's no problem Y/N. Is there anything else you need?"

     You shook your head.

     "Well I should probably go then. I don't want to bother you." He hesitated for a moment before leaving a quick peck on your forehead and darting out of your room before you could even react.

A/N: hey all 7 of you who've read this I want to thank you and also sorry I updated so late lmao. Get ready for another at least month long hiatus because i have camp and i cant have my phone :/

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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