Twenty-Three || Pills

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     "You know, I saw his teeth," said Theo, breaking yet another barrier of silence within the Jeep outside of the clinic. He spoke again when he earned an unnerved look from Stiles. "Donovan. He was a, uh...wendigo, wasn't he?"

     "Yeah," Stiles lightly replied.

     "That's the cannibal one, right?" asked Theo, only to confirm his own thought.

     He knew what Donovan was. He knew why Jacy chose him. He knew everything except the identity of the body snatcher, thus him residing in Roscoe.

     "Native American. The myth says that if you ate human flesh, your punishment was to turn into a creature that constantly craved it."

     Theo thought on it. "That's a pretty judgement myth."

     "Well I didn't make it up," he replied dully.

     "What if it was the only way to survive? I mean, you ever heard of the Donner party? I'm pretty sure they didn't turn into Wendigos."

     Stiles looked over to Theo, wanting anything but to talk about Donovan. "Well they didn't live in Beacon Hills."

     Theo mildly smirked. "Good point."

     A soft silence crossed the Jeep, but Theo spoke again.

     "So what's the punishment for killing a chimera?"

     "You spend five hours in the car with Theo Raeken," Stiles retorted.

     Theo laughed, but they both knew Stiles wasn't kidding.

     "Look," said Stiles, "I know what my punishment is. I'm gonna lose my best friend." He stared at the center of his steering wheel, a plethora of scenarios going through his head. "I'm gonna lose Scott."


     Hours had passed since the initiation of the plot to trap a Dread Doctor and little had occurred.

     Allison and Jacy were growing tired of pacing, still wandering the dark halls of the high school. Within the locker room, droopy eyes were spreading and hearts were sinking.

     Hayden's drowsiness had overcome her, the teen resting her head on Liam's shoulder as the two sat propped up against a string of lockers.

     Liam grinned, looking down to the brunette, suddenly so aware of his breathing. One wrong move and he could wake her.

     However, his attention was pulled by a duffle bag on a bench across the room, one that had arrived with Scott.

     Liam carefully shifted away from Hayden, too curious to stay in place. He moved in total silence, both Scott and Lydia unaware of him even being awake.

     The beta unzipped the black duffle, a shifting of chains only then drawing the senior's attention.

     Liam held up the chains, looking back to a guilty-eyed alpha. "What were you going to do with these?"

     "Brought them just in case," Scott replied.

     "In case of what?" Liam snapped in question.

     Lydia turned over her shoulder, sitting on a bench near the sinks. "In case we had a chance to catch one of them."

     This was meant to protect Hayden.

     Scott saw the thought cross Liam's mind, causing him to step forward out of guilt. "If we can't make the school a fortress, then maybe we can make it a trap."

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