Twenty-Six || Keep Going

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|| Keep Going

"We're gonna go. All of us," Scott said, jittering and ready to go as Jacy joined the group in the McCall living room. "We need everyone."

Stiles' brows furrowed, glancing over to Mason. "Everyone?"

"Liam's my best friend," Mason interjected. "I'm going."

"Oh, did you suddenly get super wolf powers?" asked Stiles sarcastically. "I wasn't aware of that development."

"Well, if you're not going," said Scott as he stood with Mason and Allison. "I could use the help."

"No, I'm coming," countered Stiles, "just as soon as I talk to my dad. He said Tracy's body showed up at the station last night. They're moving her and he wants to make sure no one steals it this time."

Allison's brows furrowed. "How's he gonna do that?"

"I don't know, but whatever did it was strong enough to flip my Jeep."


"You know you've got me," she replied with a nod. "But are we doing this right? Are we thinking this out of just running with it? Because what about Corey? What if the Doctors make a house call? Who'll protect him?"

"Jacy's right," Lydia agreed. "We need to stop and think."

"I am thinking," defended Scott. "About how Liam and Hayden could already be dead. I have to find Liam."

"What about Jordan?" the banshee offered.

"He's off limits. He's guarding Tracy with the deputies," Jacy told her.

"I'll stay with Lydia and Corey," Allison said as Scott began to lead Jacy and Mason to the door.

"Hey," Stiles called after Jacy, "text me, for anything."

"I got it," she assured over her shoulder.

"Anything at all, okay?"

Jacy absently gave Stiles an agreeing thumbs up, pulling her keys out as the trio hit the porch. "I'm driving."

Without hesitation, Mason and Scott climbed into Petunia.

"Is Theo really not helping?" Scott asked as the Honda sped off, anxious legs bouncing.

"His parents needed him," replied Jacy. "He needed a minute to hash out the details so he had me go ahead downstairs so we could start."

"Um, Jacy, you just ran that light," Mason piped up from the backseat.

Jacy glanced in the rearview mirror, sighing. "Mason, not the time."

"Yep, okay."

"And the hitting the floor part?"

"Pedal to the floor?" asked Jacy. "I'm not even driving that fast."

Scott mustered as much of a laugh as he could. "No, I mean at the house. Did one of you fall or drop something?"

"Oh, yeah, Theo tripped," she absently said, shrugging. "But he's hardly what's important right now."

The Honda pulled up outside the water treatment plant, the gear slamming into park.

The three headed into the entrance of the plant, descending below ground in a near jog.

"This looks right," said Jacy, turning in a slow circle, surrounded by dark piping. "Liam?" she called out, a hopeless endeavor.

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