Part 2: Meet Me Under The Cherry Tree

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"So instead of almost everyone doing the same thing....." Tate wrote on the chalkboard to the class, " Our class should present something that would attract both girls and guys." He turned around and faced the class now. His white button down shirt sagged a little on him. There were creases all over as if he didn't have time to iron it. The last two buttons around his neck were left open, exposing a bit of his pale, almost ivory like, skin. The top two buttons around his neck on his shirt were left open, exposing his collarbones.

Our class was currently discussing what we should do for the fine arts festival. It was an annual event where the school opens their gates for everyone and the town comes in. Each classroom is assigned a certain game or event and it's the student's job to create it. So least to say it's kind of like a fundraiser.

Tate's raven black hair was disheveled, beautifully tousled like it was meant to be that way. He almost made it seem like art. However, he looked exhausted, small dark circles hung under his eyes, his hands shook a little. Everyone seemed tired, but Tate, he seemed different.

I shook my head and looked down at my desk I sat in. My hair fell forward and hid my face and I sighed. I folded my hands together and rested them on the desk, suddenly I looked back up at Tate as he tried to explain what our class was suppose to do. Although Tate was trying his best, the classmates sitting next to me whispered:

"Hey! Why is he the one in charge of this?"

"I don't know, but listen to him, idiot." the other student whispers back to him.

I laughed lightly. I guess Tate was an awful leader.

"Okay, so let's get into groups and talk about constructing this whole festival thing. Everyone get into groups of four's, those people will be in the same stand as yours. Debate on what you'll sell and then we'll vote on one." Tate said as he clapped his hands together. He looked a bit aggravated.

"You forgot something,Tate!." His friend Nick drew out Tate's and jumped up behind him. "You know that we need a GIRL to make lunch for us." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Of course he would say something like that, I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes. I continued to just sit. No one dared to come near me or talk to me. Now that I think about it, everyone hated me. Suzan was the only other friend I had other than Tate. I was that one popular, always-perfect looking, girl and everyone hated that. Of course the guys didn't, but the girls- don't get me started on them- they would bully me so much. And if it wasn't for Tate, I would probably have hated myself even more than i do now.

"Come on, add it already!" Nick begs Tate. They were still bickering back and forth on that stupid, horrendous idea.

I can't help but chuckle as I watch Nick being dragged away by the Student body president who decided to take control of the festival for our class.

"Yasmin?" I look up and notice Tate is standing at the edge of my desk. "Say, could she be in our group?" Tate gestures to the other guys who were behind him. They sat a few rows in front of me. One of the guys, Ron, was shorter than the other both height wise and body size wise. He had short blonde hair and dark rimmed glasses. Just like all teenagers he had some acne on his forehead. His button down white shirt wasn't properly buttoned and sat crookedly on his small frame. The other guy, who sat next to him, had a single brown stain right on the collar of his shirt. He was, i would guess, around 6'1 whereas the lad with blonde hair was probably around 5'4. Brown stained collar guy smiled and flashed his braces that were actually probably the best part about him. However, it couldn't cover up the fact his eyes were a little too far apart. If I remember correctly, his name was either Ben or Bradley. I'll be frank, I can't quite remember.

I Rather Be Under The Cherry Blossom TreeWhere stories live. Discover now