tEaSeR xD

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Phora POV

I was at my best friend's (nate feuerstein), just waiting for our pizza to come. We were binge watching Spongebob, just enjoying our time together. We both your quite a lot so we don't get to see each other much. About ten minutes later, a ghetto ass looking guy came with our pizza. I left him a big tip since he looked like he needed the money. I been there.

He turned to leave and I heard him mumble a couple profanities. I looked towards the car he was going towards and noticed it wasn't wasn't pizza delivery car. The trunk hood thing being hit by something in the inside. Well that's not scary at all. "Hey Nate? Get your ass over here. Now!" I bossed. He yelled a "Don't bitch to me asshole!" back and walked over like the lazy piece of shit he is.

"Whadawanbitch" he mumbled. "We need to take that guy out. There's someone in his trunk." He just nodded. This is what I like about him. I say we gotta beat someone up and there is no questions asked.

We stalked up on the "delivery" guy and Nate yelled "Bonsaiiiiii" like the weirdo he is. He jumped into his back and the ghetto guy was down. "What the fuck?" He shouted as he threw himself up and turned to the still downed Nathan. That's not good.

Boiii The Cold just came onnnn yusz xD

I jumped in quick as I could and threw one between the bottom of his ribs and the top of his hips, feeling oure muscle there. He whipped around, his eyes narrowing in me. I took this as a chance to land a nice one in his right cheek.

I glanced at Nate and saw him slipping his keys out of his back pocket, the ghetto man not noticing. The guyunged at me, the both of us falling backwards hard and landing with me on my back, him on top of me. "Well this is gay." I stated. That didn't make him happy.

"Im not gay little bitch. Im a pizza delivery guy. Now eat your fucking pizza and have a nice night." He grumbled, getting off of me. "Okay. What website can I give you a review on? You're supposed to tell us. Most pizza shops have that shit soo" he looked panicked on the inside as I said this.

"Its, uh, Dominos dot com slash review." He mumbled as he walked quickly to his car. Once in the drivers seat of the obviously not pizza delivery car, he started looking around for his keys. What a loser. Mate three me the keys and I went around back and unlocked the trunk, revealing a brunette. She was skinny, only in a bra and shorty shorts. I grabbed her and she started shaking.

"Hey, it's okay. You're going to be alright. In ggoing to carry you inside while Nate takes care of Mr. Ghetto Man." Nate and her both nodded. I started fast walking to the door, hoping Nate could take him on his own.

"Okay darling, in going to pay you down right here. I have to go help my bud so he don't die. Here's a blanket you can use. Feel free to help yourself to some food or water. Just make yourself at home." She just nodded again and curled up on the couch. I removed my shirt and tossed it to her, feeling bad about her bare stomach. She accepted happily and thre it in fast while I was walking out the door again.

"If someone knocks, look through the window if it's me and Nate please let us in. If it's the other guy, hide." She nodded again. I turned the lock and shit the door, walking over to the already intense fight. Nate was obviously losing, his back against the car.

He took shot after shot to the stomach and face. I jogged over and landed a nice one on the ghetto guys chin.

Time skip (they won lol)


I had to work the late shift tonight. I always hated doing this one. Grant normally did it because this is Los Angeles and I walk home. I locked the resteraunt up, going around to the worker break room and grabbed all my tips. As I was about to walk out the door, my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

Grant♡: Be safe ok? There some creepy people out there at night...

I love how he takes care of me. He's like a dad or big brother I never had. I texted back a quick "I will!! Thank you." And walked towards my apartment building half a mile away. I decided that it would be faster cutting behind the mall in the alley as my apartments were just in the other side of the place instead of walking around the block on main street.

I could see my apartments and I was glad. My legs are fucking cold from these damned black leggings Im wearing. I walked a bit quicker and I was almost to the staircase that lead to my floor when I felt a tug on my braids. (Emmalee is black js)

"Been waiting a long time in you Mrs. Zook. You thought you could just get away from us, didn't you? You can't just run from your past." A familiar voice said. Oh shit.

I felt my hands being tied in the familiar silk and heard a trunk open. They gagged me and ripped off my shirt and leggings. "Now let's have a little fun before we have to take you away." Mr. Bryant said.

This is short. This is shitty. This is just the beginning. ♡¤goodnight poison bites¤♡

I draw some fucked up shit in little space lmao

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