Ch 2 Day One

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His name rang endlessly in your mind as you drove back home. It seemed your boss didn't know about what happened back then in Seoul.

At the time, it became news about Jundo's crime. Korea rang the man all around, and since you weren't identified to the public. Of course your boss wouldn't know.

He can't be near me though?...


His eyes gazed at you as your eyes widen. Somehow he's scary gaze of death wasn't there anymore.

He bowed as if nothing and kept his head down.

"... he's um... had some problems recently... he's gotten out of them though. You're our best coach." Joonbin said. A sigh left your lips as you looked away.

"... we start tomorrow." You said lowly and grabbed your things before walking out.


A honk behind you snapped your thoughts back into reality. Your light turned green and you sped off.


The jingles of your keys rang through your ears as you opened your door to the house. There was no sound. Yoongi was probably sleeping now. It became debatable now if you should tell Yoongi about it or not.

I'll tell him tomorrow...

You flickered on the light and of course Yoongi wasn't there. No doubt, he probably slept in from his nap.

A sigh left your lips as you walked into the room. Yoongi was sleeping, arm open, waiting for you to slide into your spot right next to him.

Quickly after changing and doing your night routine, you shoved the blanket down and gently made your way into his arms. He hummed.

"... how was your day?..." Yoongi said tiredly. You looked at his face. Eyes closed, skin pale, and lips softer than ever.

"... it was good." You whispered back. He nodded and pulled you closer in a more comfortable spot. His breath skimmed your skin. It tickled. Gently, you moved in and inhaled his sweet scent.


You regretting walking into work today. It was like torture just walking your two feet lazily into work. Your back was slouched and you made your way into your studio. HyeNa, Leeho, and Sunhee was already sitting there, roaming around. There immediately bowed as you walked in and you made your way over to the mounted tv on the wall and started it up.

"Where's our new recruit?" You asked. Leeho looked around.

"We have a new recruit?" He asked. You sigh.

"Leeho, get on the game. Sunhee, can you go get our new recruit's information." You said. They nodded. Leeho walked to the tv and Sunhee left the room. HyeNa looked at you with a blank stare.

"Unnie. What am I doing?" She asked. You huffed.

"Practice with Leeho. I'll be back." You said walking out of the room. You pulled out your phone and called your brother.

He picked up.

"Joonie." You said.

"What's up? Do you need something?" He asked. You looked around and let your back hit the wall behind you.

"Can you meet up with me at Leeho's game tomorrow?" You asked. He hissed.

"I don't know. What time is it?" He asked.

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