Ch 17 New Game New Start (END)

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Days passed.

Guilt still rumbled around you as you went to work and it tested you. Ignoring Jundo and trying to work with him was hard. You just couldn't face him after what had happened.

Yoongi was telling you it wasn't your fault, but you just could do it. He comforted you daily and even got mad a few times. It frustrated him.

Jin left a day after due to work. He told you not to worry about it too much as well. Very like him.

Yoongi told Jungkook about what had happened as well and he talked to you about it. He was assuring.


You sat on your bed thinking about everything that day.

Jundo had seem more suspicious day by day as you ignore him. It made you feel bad for him.

"You okay?" Yoongi asked. You nodded. He laid on top of you snuggling you under him. His warm ember comforted you.

"Yoongi..." You let out. He hummed tiredly.

You had something on though but it disappeared within seconds.

"Yeah?" He said thinking you didn't hear him.

"Nothing.... I-I forgot." You said. He chuckled. He lifted himself up and gave you a small kiss on your lips.

You kissed him back and he deeped it pushing you into the bed a bit. You flinched as he grinded against you.

Yoongi moaned into you as you wrapped your arm around his head. You gently gripped his hair.

Yoongi smirked against you. You pushed him off a bit. He pushed himself up and looked at you confused.

"A-Ah- nothing." You said.

"We don't have-"

"No! No! It's just..." You didn't finish your sentence.

"Is it that again?" He asked a bit salty about it. You bit your lip.

Yoongi didn't want to talk about that anymore...

He groaned and rolled beside you.

It wasn't only that...

You and Yoongi have never gone that far. Of course you guys have gone pretty far, but never.

You blinked at the ceiling. Yoongi got up.

"If you didn't want to... You should have stopped-"

"It'll be our first time." You finally said. He stopped and turned around. You closed your eyes as your back laid on the bed.

"It'll be our first..." You let out. The bed sinked besides you and you felt a soft lip kiss your forehead. You opened your eyes and Yoongi hovered over you.

His kiss was soft and gentle. Yoongi let go and looked down at you with a smile. It was... Playful and assuring.

"And that's totally fine."


It was morning.

And morning was... It was something. Surprisingly, Yoongi woke up before you.

"Jagyia..." You heard him say. You were stiff.

He's never called me that.

You blinked and looked around. He was smiling and gave you a small kiss on your lips. You kissed him back and he pulled back.

New Game (BTS Min Yoongi FF)Where stories live. Discover now