The Kingpin

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The ride into Fisk Industries was surprisingly relaxing. I mean, the place was swarming with guards but they stood no chance. Medusa's enormously large hair make quick work of them. I'm not quite sure who Wilson Fisk is but whoever he may be, he must be loaded. I got a few subtle hints of this in the car park. The quartz flooring and marble pillars were a slight giveaway. We locked up the car and approached the lift. "Going up," said the lift voice, who sounded strikingly similar to Robin Williams.

Whilst the voice muttered away about impressions and the current affairs of America, all of us were sandwiched into this box like sardines. Smelled like sardines too. I am thanking God right now that we all had showers before we left. Well, apart from Singularity, but she doesn't smell of much anyway due to being made of space. Besides, I wasn't about to ask her what space smelled like. The lift ride was a long one. I wondered how many floors this damn building had. I peered over to the buttons. My god. I predicted this day would come. There were 102 god damn floors! By floor 58, I was about ready to kill myself there and then.

The lift door finally opened. I let out the loudest sigh of relief ever. We all squeezed out of the lift. It was awful. Ever opened a tin of cat food? Kinda like that. We stormed through the enormous double doors that led to Fisk's office. He was laughing. Strangely. "Hahahahaha. Well look who it is. How are you Mistress Peggy?" said Wilson Fisk, "Actually I don't care. I am Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of crime! Pleasure to make your acquaintance". And with that, he raised his cane and lifted off the large diamond ornament on top, revealing the tip of gun.

All of a sudden, a flurry of tiny crystals were shot at us. Carol managed to create a temporary force field and Angela drew Hel's Bane. Carol lowered the force field. Angela blocked most of the crystals with her sword and progressed towards the Kingpin. "I am Aldrif Odinsdottir, daughter of Odin, protector of Heven! You will no longer bring harm to this world, Kingpin!" yelled Angela, charging towards Fisk. The blade cut his arm. It bled heavily. In the process, however, the gun that Kingpin held fired a barrage of  crystals into Angela's head. She instantly fell to the ground. Her body was limp and pale. I ran over to her to tend to her needs. She had a distant look in her eyes. She spoke to me, "Phil, listen to me. Take my sword. Kill the Kingpin. Do more than I ever could. Save this world Phil. Please. For me". And with that, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, the white was the only thing showing. No pupil. No veins. No life. I placed my hand on the hilt of Hel's Bane. I then turned to face the Kingpin. "Alright you bastard. It's time you learnt a lesson. We all die someday. But as long as I keep Angela's wishes alive, she won't die. That's the crazy thing about life. Once you've decided to follow someone, no matter how much they bleed, and even if your tears run dry, you stick to it. And that's why you'll lose this. We all follow each other. And do you want to know why? Because we're the A-Force!" I yelled and charged towards Wilson Fisk, faster than any known creature on this Earth. I cut the large man from naval t'chaps, his blood spilling like a leaking keg. I then placed the sword on the ground and cried...

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