Boyfriend Checklist [ Kyuhyun x Ryeowook]

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1.  He has to know how to cook.

That is exactly why Kyuhyun was dating with Hankyung because the Chinese man fits the criteria.  The downside is Hankyung only being able to cook Chinese food.  He did try a Korean dish a few times but it ended up being too spicy, bland or just unsatisfactory for Kyuhyun so after 3 months of dating, Kyuhyun broke up with him.

"You broke up with him simply because he couldn't cook a Korean dish properly?"  Ryeowook, who was Kyuhyun's bestfriend, laughed at the very simple reason for breaking up with someone.

"Yeah.  Now go and make me some jajangmyeon.  I'm heartbroken and hungry."  Kyuhyun said as he pushed Ryeowook towards the kitchen.  Kyuhyun's mother completely trusted Ryeowook and deemed him to be capable to be able to use the kitchen in Cho's household.

"Heartbroken? Right."  Ryeowook's laughter died down a bit as his hands expertly handled the kitchen utensils and started making the food which Kyuhyun had demanded from him.

Kyuhyun observed his bestfriend then it came into his mind how Ryeowook knows how to cook the food exactly to Kyuhyun's taste.

2.  He has to be talented.

When Henry confessed to him, Kyuhyun instantly agreed on a date.  The main reason was Henry being popular in school because of playing the violin while dancing at the same time.  He also have decent singing skills and could play the pliano and harmonica as well.

But again, Kyuhyun was the first one to break up the relationship.  Henry was too talented; therefore, he was always busy with practicing and enhancing his talents.  He also had shows, contests and a part-time job as a violinist in some fancy restaurant.  They barely had time for each other.

At the moment, Kyuhyun had disturb Ryeowook's piano practice just so he could tell Ryeowook that he broke up with Henry.  "At least your reason now isn't as shallow as the one with Hankyung."  Ryeowook chuckled as he remembered the previous reason.

"Sorry for disturbing your practice.  I needed to get it out of my chest." Kyuhyun didn't feel exactly heartbroken but just like his previous break up, he still felt sad and disappointed.

"It's okay, Kyuhyun.  Why don't you take a seat over there while I continue with my practice? Then we can have some afternoon snacks afterwards."  Ryeowook suggested with a smile.

Kyuhyun nodded and went to take a seat.  He listened to his bestfriend playing the piano.  The melody had soothe his heart and calmed his emotions.  He thought about his bestfriend being talented too.  Ryeowook can play the piano and his voice had earned him a lot of awards from singing contests.  He was pretty decent with dancing but most of all, no matter how hard Ryeowook practices, he always allowed Kyuhyun to disturb him anytime and sometimes, he would even let Kyuhyun watch him practice.  

Henry didn't like it when Kyuhyun suggested on watching him during practice.  Henry said he couldn't concentrate and would prefer for Kyuhyun to watch the final performance instead.  Hence, less time equals to breaking up.

3.  He has to be either cute or sexy if not both.

Sungmin was cute which was why Kyuhyun dated him but it didn't last too long has got sick of Sungmin's cuteness quickly.  At first, it was cute when Sungmin talked to him in a childish tone and how he loved pink, bunnies, ponies, rainbows, anything cute and sweet.  Then Sungmin started being whiny, clingy, jealousy and such a spoiled brat.  It just wasn't cute anymore.

Siwon was sexy which was why Kyuhyun dated him but he liked too much skinship and was very perverted.  Some of his skinships weren't welcomed and Kyuhyun didn't like how Siwon almost raped him more than a dozen times.  Kyuhyun broke up with him because he was scared at Siwon who had a lot of strength and could end up really raping him.

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