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liked by hankook, yermtle, jennieuary, 20,546 others
mapleugossips when new school year comes you know what that means. transferees! and one particular transferee caught the eye of maple u students and it is non other than bae joohyun of class a! bae joohyun also known as bae irene was once a student in daegu's blue moon academy where only the smartest students can enter but that's not all she was also at the top of her class! not only that she is smart, but she's also gorgeous! wow, no wonder she's a hot topic.
@hankook: @emptae
@sailormon: @emptae
@prapiña: @emptae
@seokpink: @emptae
@emptae: ok what's with everyone tagging me
@suganspice: @emptae look above
@emptae: @suganspice it's just the ceiling above me.
@hankook: this hyung is so slow he means look at the pic
@emptae: you could've just said it... so what's her acc?
@jennieuary: thank me later her acc is @baegelrene