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liked by yermsquirtle, hankook, prapiña, sanarwals and 24, 715 others
mappleugossips rumors have been flooding for a few days that Bae Joohyun from class-a has been dating and guess what? she confirmed the staement yesterday! but who this guy be??
@unknownH: pshh so she has a boyfriend, but she keeps on flirting with other boys. what a slut
@seulver: @unknownH if ignoring and being cold to boys is flirting then ok. I guess a person who is being loyal to someone they love is now called a slut. the world changes so fast😥 just yesterday I thought the defenition of slut is you😑
@prapiña: I live for these shady seulgi lines. give us more
@suhoe: the guy joohyun is dating rn sure is a lucky bastard