Chapter 2: The Office

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Chapter 2: The Office


Hey guys! It is Kiki I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I really appreciate my critiques for helping me on it. You really helped me.


I can't believe Mason said that. I hesitated, but I walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Really?" I say fighting my tears. I didn't care if he was just annoyed, but I was just kidding around. I didn't want him to say that...

"Clarissa, I... I didn't mean that just," Mason started, but I cut him off. I didn't want

"That's bullsh*t," I said annoyed. I started to turn around, but Mason put his hand on my shoulder stopping me. I just shook it off and walked down the boring hallway lined with lockers. I turned back around and face Mason.

"I will show you at the party, and I will hook up with a guy. I will show you," I laughed out. It sounded stupid after I said it because I know I won't hook up with a guy unless he is drunk. I don't want to be drunk or anything though. Lexi rushed up to me. I was about as mad at her as I was with Mason, but I needed someone to help me get ready. Also, Lexi has really good fashion and is amazing at makeup.

"I am sorry," Lexi appologized and I shrugged turning around walking to my next class. I guess, it wasn't her fault that Mason included her in this. "Wanna come over tonght to get ready?" Lexi asked and I smiled. It was like she read my mind.

"Yea!!! I will meet you at your locker after school! Love Ya!!!" Lexi squealed skipping away. This was gonna be the best night ever. And I am not gonna let my little fight with Mason stop me from having fun.

"Wait, we left our lunch..." I yelled to Lexi who was skipping away and she turned around and shrugged. Oh well...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LAST CLASS OF THE DAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked into my last class of the day and saw Mason as I walked through the dull brown door. This school is so ugly. We really need to make it colorful. Anyway, Mason was talking to Natalie and Missy. I sighed and walked to seat on the other side of the room so he wouldn't notice me. I sat down and glanced at him, and he must of felt my stare because he looked back. Mason got up and said something to the girls before he walked over to the chair next to me and sat down.

"Clarissa, I am sorry," He apologized and I rolled my eyes. I didn't have any time for this bullcrap.

"I am sure you are," I said with a fake smile.

"I didn't mean what I said," Mason sighed obviously feeling sorry for himself... Ugh.. He is annoying. I got back up and walked across the room to where Mason was before, right next to Natalie and Missy. Mason started to get up, and walked halfway across the room when Mr. Potter walked into the room. He looked Mason straight in the eye and told him to sit back down.

During class, I kept getting the glance of Mason with ants in his pants trying to talk to me, but I was actually paying attention to the boring conversation Mr. Potter was teaching. I looked over at Mason and saw him do the thing I knew was coming, he got out his phone and of course texted me. Little did I know, my ringer was on. Very smart, Clarissa! As soon as text tone went off everybody looked at me and usually it isn't a big deal because we get to use them in class, but Mr. Potter thought otherwise. He walked up to my desk and I started to put my phone in my purse because I thought he would just tell me to pt it away.

"Give me your phone?" Mr. Potter yelled which surprised me. I moved my phone up to his hand and he looked at the message.

Da Beotch

I am sorry! I didn't mean it.

"I am sorry, but who is 'Da Beotch'?" Mr. Potter asked sharply and everybody laughed. Of Course, has to be da beotch that gets caught, not mom, but the beotch. I looked down and sighed, "Mason. Mason is Da Beotch." I don't get why he is making this such a big deal. He is taking this too far. Gosh... Everyone (of the people who weren't sleeping) in unison looked at Mason, who slumped in his seat. I usually wouldn't have ratted Mason out, but he was a jerk about earlier and he deserved it for textng me.

"I am not in the mood. This is the first day, just both of you. Principal Fisher's office!" He sighed at first, but ended up yelling while shaking his head the whole time. I got out of the small seat and walked slowly to the door, and Mason followed slowly behind me. He seemed like an ax murderer, how quiet he was, i mean. Mr. Potter started class as I opened the door and let it close as Mason came. He pushed the brown door back open and turned around to make sure it was closed all the way. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the room.

"Let go of me!" I yelled. I pulled my arm back and he shhed me.

"This is all your fault!" Mason yelled in a quiet manner. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"My fault? I didn't want you to text me in class."

"But, you had to intrude on my conversation with Lexi."

"Whatever," I sighed and turned as I started walking to Principal Fisher's office. This day is great just isn't it.

"What are you doing?" Mason asked like I was an idiot. I just shook my head. I didn't want to talk to him. He kept yelling, but I just ignored him. He was the stupid one. I knew Mr. Potter would check and see if we were there. He was saying something, but I didn't pay attention. I didn't want to pay attention. I didn't really even want to talk to him, but the thing is... I still wanted to talk to him. Does that make sense? I don't know. I opened a door and walked down the small Hallway of Shame to Mr. Fisher's office. I stood in front of the door for a few seconds and looked behind me to see is Mason followed, but he didn't I sighed and opened the dull brown door.


Hope you enjoyed. It was kind of short, but I was busy so that is why it took so long.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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