Chapter 14

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I take several deep breaths as I watch Schiz's green eyes watch mine. I shake my head once again. Where do we stand? I had been asking myself that question for weeks.

"I don't know, Cam. To be honest. That may be part of the reason I just fucking kissed Shane. Ugh." Now I feel as flustered as Shane did moments ago trying to talk to me.

Hurt crosses his face momentarily. "I have been wondering that same thing for while but I was too afraid to ask because I know how you bikers are. Have old ladies but fuck on the side. I don't want that. At first, I thought we would just be sex but shit started changing and-"

He grabs my shoulders and pulls me into him. "I'm not like that Babe. Haven't been with anyone but you since we started this. What do you want?" He whispers in my ear.

For so long I've wanted Shank. But he never wanted me. Until now. Until I'm happy. Until I've got someone else.

But I like being with Schiz. He cares. And listens. He's good with Shane. And doesn't hurt that he's a monster in bed.

I pull my face from his leather vest and smile up at him. "I think I want that dinner you promised me." I tell him. His usual cocky grin slides into place, all his earlier insecurities a memory.

He takes my hand and leads me to his pure navy chrome bike, handing me an extra helmet to put on.

The ride to his house was a blur, most of my concentration wasn't on the direction, but rather what was to come of our night spent together at his house.

It's not as big as dad's house, but it's not small either. Its comfortable for a single guy I guess. He leads me in through the door that lands us in a light tan painted room with leather furniture and a wide screen tv. Of course.

With his guidance, we're next left in his kitchen which might just be my favorite part of the whole house. Its huge and has an island like I've always wanted with the pots hanging above it.

"And this is my room." He grabs me by my waist and pulls me with him to his room. The walls are plain white with no pictures on the night stand or anything. I don't think I saw any pictures at all, anywhere.

The bed is neatly made though. A blue patch blanket and matching pillows. Nothing fancy.

His arms engulf me from behind and he walks us to his bed while he sucks on my neck. I laugh and wiggle away from him to jump on his bed.

He dives in after me, landing on top of me and I laugh At his childish antics. He cradles me into his hard chest and kisses my forehead. Both of us are quiet.

"Let's skip dinner and just lay here and watch movies all night." I throw a leg over both of his and yank us closer together.

He smooths my hair back and sets his chin on top my head. He doesn't say anything.

"Schiz?" I pull back to look at him.

"Just thinking, babe. Sure let's lay here together."

And we do. All night we lie together

Until his fucking phone starts blaring almost 3 hours later. I shove myself closer into his chest and mumble out my protests.

He chuckles, but still reaches across me to his bedside table for his phone. "Yeah?" He answers gruffly.

Some shouting and loud noises are muffly heard on the other end. Schiz rolls his eyes and groans then rolls over when he hands me his phone.

"Hello?" I ask bewildered.

"Doc, oh my god. I really need your help. Like right now. Please." Panik's ...panicked voice sounds from the other end. I sit up in bed, my mind going straight to my kid.

 Hidden Heir (Holy Rebel MC #2)Where stories live. Discover now