Chapter 2 The Shadow Is Seen

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 As Emo woke up to the feeling of morning sickness cane aging. So she did her routine puke in the toilet and rest in bed for 30 minutes.and make breakfast. When she got up she felt strange. Like she forgot something. 'Ugh I'll be glad to have you, wait I forgot to give you a name thought Emo as she felt Yang hugged her from behind "Morning love" siad Yang as he carried Emo down the stairs, puts Emo down in the chair and makes breakfast. "Hey i'm supposed to make breakfast." said Emo all pounty. " well I half to because i want to." said Yang as he flips some eggs."hmmm well we half to do one thing Yang. And that's naming the child." expland Emo as she rubs her belly. 'Shoot I forgot about his name we should do something maybe something that means light.' thought

Yang."Guang" said Yang happlie "Okay that sounds nice but what does it mean?" asked Emo. "It means light" expland Yang happily as he stacks the eggs. Then Balance came down stairs. "What does means light?" asked Balance as she got in the chair." Your brothers name" Expland Emo with a smiling. "So what's his name then?" asked Balance. "Its Guang" Said Yang. (if you forgot in the last chapter Blades has his own place now.) " Oh what a lovely name for a child" said a sinters voice. "Who's there?" demanded Emo as she summons her weapon in her hand. "My,my Emo always ready to fight aren't yea?''Said the voice. As she showed herself from the table shadow's. "What do you want Senka?" asked Emo "Well I came here to see if Yang is ready to surrender." expand Senka with a evil smirk. "I will never surrender to you" Said Yang as he throws a bone attack at Senka but she doges before she turns into a shadow. "The next time it won't be a chat you be fighting for your life." expland Senka as she seeps back into the shadows before Balance could run to Emo and Yang she woke up.' was just a dream or

A vision?' she questioned herself. Then as she looks at Yang who looks worried. "You okay?"Asked Yang "No I just had a nightmare"said Emo as she dashes to the bathroom 'well if you gotta go you gotta go thought Yang as she heard the toilet flush. "Sorry just morning sickness" said Emo with a smile. "I know I'll let your rest as I go make breakfast" expland Yang as he goes down stairs. When he got to the kitchen he heard a little voice singing. As he look around the corner and he saw Balance singing counting stars. "You have a good voice like your mother" Said Yang with a ridliouse smlie. When Balance turned around she had a black face from her embarrassment. "Daddy you weren't supposed to be hear it until your Birthday" Said Balance all pounty. "Sorry but I couldn't help it" He said as he got all the ingredients for pancakes (i know aging but i like pancakes so deal with it) "Can I help you?" Asked Balance as they heard Emo coming down the stairs. :Morning mommy" said Balance "How are you feeling?" asked Yang "better, hey I got a name for our child" Said Emo as she sat down. "Oh and what would the name be?" asked Yang "Guang" said Emo smiling. "My, my it's about time" Said a mistriouse voice, :Dejavu thought Emo as she gets ready to fight it as a

white Skeleton with orange markings on her face with a yellow jacket that fades to purple and her pants are black,then the shoes are green."Mommy who is that?"Asked Balance as she run to Yang"Emo,Balance whatever you do don't go outside."said Yang. "Good idea"said Senka with a grin. "You won't hurt anyone in my family" Said Emo as she makes a attack on Senka. "Oww"said Senka. As Emo slightly cuts her cheek bone. "Heh, pain something I haven't felt in a long time"said Senka as she leave a note on the floor. As Yang picks up the note on the floor and reads out loud."This time is won't just be a chat it will be a fight for the death" He read out loud. And saw Balance and Emo;s worried expressions "Don't worry I have time, but if she keeps threatening me I won't budge" said Yang with a comforting smile. "Well we need to tell Blades now!" Said Emo with stress in her voice. "Fine we can after breakfast"said yang then notice Emo was already walking out the door. "Wait mommy I'm coming too" said Balance teleporting beside her. "Hey wait for me I'll get the breakfast pack up as well."said Yang as he teleports beside her with a plate of pancakes. As they walk to baldes house they see a figure in the distances running towards them."Blades?"whispers Emo. "Mommy,Daddy what should we do?" Ask Balacea as she summons a gaster blaster aimed at the stranger. "I don;t know Balance" said Emo as her eye glows a raspberry red "wait this aura is filmar... It's Blades"said Yang as he ran up to his friend. "Yo,Yang, Emo, and Balance someone reck the inside of my house"said Blades in a russian accent "do you know what they look like?" as Yang "Well she was a white skeleton with orange markings on her face,with a yellow jacket that fades to purple, she also had black pants on,and green boy did she look really mad" said Blades in a German accent "that's probably because he won't surrendered to Senka" said Emo more calim now as she walks up to Blades with Balance. "Blades are you okay?" Asked Balance. "Yea im fine"sad Blades in a british accent as he pats her head. "Well as long you're okay we're okay" said Emo looking worried. "Well that is true except for the one thing we are all hungry mommy" expland Balance

"Yep that is true" said Yang laughing. As he hands out the pancakes."want some" asked Yang "Sure I didn't have the chance to eat when Senka attack" said Blades in a turkish accent. Everyone laughed because how funny and awkward this morning was. After they ate breakfast they went to Blades house and help him clean up a miss and Yang found another note. "What did you find Yang?" Asked Emo as she looks over his shoulder. "Here it's for you Emo" said Yang as he hands Emo the note. As she reads it out loud."Emo my dearest child this is a letter for you. And I hope you make your life full of purpose to make everything right. And that no matter what happen to you we will always love you . From your dad and everyone in the underground of Deathtale. As she finishes reading the letter she cries. "Emo you ok?" asked Yang as he hugs her to comfort her. "Woah what's wrong Emo?" asked Baldes in a Eytpan accent. "Here read this" said Yang handing the letter. As Blades reads the letter eh looks upset feeling Emo's pain . "Hey you guys can go home I can finish up here" said Blades in a Austrian accent ."you sure?" asked Yang. as he holds Emo and Balance hands "Yea,see yea at your place for a meeting ok" said Blades with a births accent "ok see hea at 1o:oo o'clock" said Yang as he teleports away. As they got home Emo went to her room to get her mind off of there deaths. As for Yang and Balance came in and comfort her remind her of all the good she had done. And the things she has accomplished with them. As Emo calms down she smiles. As the hours go by they felat ifie with some of their ideas . SO as Balance was tucked in and got her story and went fast asleep.When Blades came over.

"Hey is hse in bed?" he whispers in a turkish accent. "Yes she in bed" said Emo as she offered Blades some tea. But he kindly denied. "So any ideas guys?" asked Yang. "well I thought maybe we could turn her to stone"said Blades with a american accent. "No that won't do she a shadow" expanded Emo as she sat down. "What about light?"said Yang "like a sword or something?" He asked. "Wait my reaper staff is made with light metal and shadow mental. That's why i could hurt her"expland Emo. "Of course i can make weapons with my pain it has all sources of metals inside of each one." said Blades."Yes we can do that ! Meeting closed." Said Yang as he got up victourse. After the meeting they all left and said there farewells. But unaware that the evil shadow was listening. So she was waiting for her time to get her pray. And finish her quest.

This is Senka (oh save the pic and edit and make it neavgitve that Senka old form)

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This is Senka (oh save the pic and edit and make it neavgitve that Senka old form)

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