A New Fury

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As i'm sprinting through the forest i feel myself getting faster and faster as i get closer i can hear more screams and i push my legs harder i keep thinking to myself 'faster I need to go faster!' I feel heat building around me as i start to move at such an incredible speed flames begin to ignite on my body leaving a trail behind me trees get uprooted as I run I come to a quick stop in a clearing full of unique monsters such as hydra, the Minotaur, medusa and the three furies the flames continue to burn on my body but when i see that there are already some hunters dead they instantly turn black with guilt when i feel a spark of hope rising in my chest i see a large group of hunters still alive and the flames get a blue and red edge, from under my hood my eyes turn red and I begin to grow in height when the Minotaur decides to charge me hoping he can get lucky, as he hits me i hold out my hand creating a solid barrier of flames around my body he harmlessly bounces off confused and stunned i pull out my sword and hover it over his chest "you have crossed my path for the final time you try to harm my hunters and lady Artemis herself for your crimes I banish you to the void may chaos have mercy on you" as i finish his eyes widen and my sword turns a dark black and drips with purple flames as I drive it into his chest he crumbles into dust but not gold dust, black dust this time showing he will never reform i look at the rest of the monsters and with a flick of my wrist they all explode i walk over cutting the bonds on the hunters the all pile onto me in a giant hug knocking me off my feet when i finally stand back up and turn around the way i came to see a very angry Artemis then i realize why, i just destroyed almost five miles of forest with a sheepish grin I revert time around the area and she starts smiling then laughing and i can't figure out why than i turn around and see Thalia, who is terrified of heights flying five feet off the ground her hair whipping around in the wind and her eyes a bright yellow as a storm forms overhead and once again being a genius i simply say "but i just came back!" than i spread my wings and fly as fast as possible away from the furious daughter of Zeus suddenly a bolt of lightning appears in front of me and Thalia punches me in the face, hard, i fall from the sky and she lands on the ground underneath me when i finally stand up from the 50 mph punch in the head Thalia hugs me with tears on her cheeks "never again you kelp head, never leave us again" she demands "i promise pine cone face, i swear on the river Styx i will never leave your side again" thunder rumbles overhead sealing the oath when i realize something "Thalia you were flying and how did you teleport?" "powers of Zeus apparently let me teleport with lightning" she replies "oh, makes sense" then i teleport us back to the hunters "hunters we are going to camp half blood for a while to regroup and relax for a bit no killing the boys or hurting them, leave that to our guardian" Artemis calls out and we begin running back to camp half-blood where we will stay for the next while, our adventures and dangers over, for the time being at least

During our travel to camp we stop in at various cities to recruit more girls to get them away from that life and into the one of freedom and happiness but also danger our world is not one for the faint of heart we gather roughly 15 more girls adding to our numbers sadly i am charged with their training and they do not yet trust me but in time just like our sisters they will, upon arriving at the camp i see a boy with his sword out it seems like yet another son of Zeus "great, another one" i hear one of the girls groan "it is alright girls if he tries anything i'll deal with him appropriately" I say with a grin looking at Artemis i see her smiling "you know Percy for a male you're awesome" grinning like an idiot i let my wings slide from my back leaping into the air yelling happily as i soar above the hunters heads  the wind whipping their hair around their faces i see a head of black hair come up beside me and laugh as i realize Thalia is finally airborne with me i light my wings on fire and shoot off into the air as i watch Thalia strike a stick with lighting causing it to smoke i mind link her "can you help me do something?" i ask her "depends what is it perce?" she responds to me "i wanna make sky art for Artemis since only we can fly can i get you to take this vial and make a heart in the sky?" i ask holding out a vial of gas "sure but you know she won't see this right?" she says looking at me quizzically "oh, she will see it" i assure her before landing on the ground smiling Artemis looks at me "what did you give her." she demands "oh just watch and you will see" i grin to her i watch as Thalia lands looking at me oddly still unsure of what i'm about to do i glance at her then back at Artemis "girls watch this" i stretch my wings out to their full length before launching into the air bursting into silver fire i hear Artemis scream not sure whats going on i mind link Thalia yet again "hey cuz, can you calm her down please? Tell her im fine it's my own flame and it's for her cause i have a surprise" i ask her " okay perce" she responds before i see her turn to Artemis as i reach the area Thalia made the heart i get a sea green tinge around the flames i stop in the center of the area smile at Artemis and let the flames explode outwards igniting the heart with sea green and silver flame as a large moon with a trident in it appears behind me showing our bond i than force the moon to cover the sun exerting most of my energy i land and make the stars take different forms showing our adventures together from me rescuing her from atlas to this moment and at the end i make the constellations hug and kiss quickly before dispersing back to their places in the sky i hear Artemis make a confused sound and turn to me "what was that last part? I realize the rest but that part didn't happen at the end?"she asks me "Not yet" i respond smiling i pick her up hugging her close and fly into the air as i use my wings to make us hover above the trees and slowly spin i kiss her when she kisses back i smile and land before shooting into the sky yet again throwing fireballs in the dark sky making them explode into different colors like fireworks. After landing i realize an arrogant son of Zeus has approached one of our newest hunters and seems to be flirting she looks upset and based off his reaction he is getting a kick out of it instantly my wings change into skeletal dragon wings burning with a deep purple flame as the rest of me is engulfed in magma red fire taking on the form of a demon i approach the arrogant bastard as he sees me he scrambles backwards quickly confusing the hunter until she feels the heat of the flames licking off my body scorching the earth with every step i begin to speak to the boy in a deep scratchy voice that resonates like 100 men speaking at once "you dare approach a hunter of Artemis and begin flirting with her in front of her patron none the less, i will show you the error of your ways brat." i than let a whip fall from my arm to the ground snapping it out i watch as it wraps around his leg before i fly off into the sky dragging him behind me stopping several hundred feet up i look down at the boy fury still evident in my eyes "what is your name boy" i ask him "my name doesn't matter my father is the king of the gods put me down before i blasts you out of the sky" he answers smugly and i just start laughing "then i guess im going to go into your mind to learn your name and we will see just how much fun you enjoy it" i grin at him before my eyes flash white and he screams in pain "well Nicholas lets straighten a few things out. i am favored by the creator of the universe Chaos, your father is terrified of me as is most of Olympus, that woman down there you just tried to defile. she is my charge and i will guard them till my last breath so before you pull the high and mighty card think that maybe there is people out there with more power then your father. now should i stop rising into the air and drop you or do you want to swear on the river chaos you will not flirt with another hunter and change your ways." i tell him "i swear on the river chaos i will not flirt with or attempt to harm any of the hunters of Artemis past present or future and that i will change my ways to become a good leader in the camps" he says then he begins to scream in pain and i laugh darkly "you should have asked what an oath on the river chaos means fool, it looks into your future and determines if you'll keep your oath or not if you dont it kills you before you have the chance and you dont just die. you fade. you cease to exist you fool" i drop him and return to Artemis " lets go to the cabin girls" i state before walking there laughing and joking about the idiot Nicholas

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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