Iron Adventures: super lantern corps 6

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The rangers battle creepox, mick and jeevy are going to try to contact her home planet through the lantern corps base, and the ark inches closer to refugee base H with every minute.

In the lantern corps base, jeevy was passing the alone time by counting the screws she could see from her currently fixed position. "104, 105, it's amazing that a building like this could use so many screws." Mick came dashing through the door. "Bad news jeevy, the science team has just taken apart your transmitter to see how it works." "What? How did they manage to do that?" "I'm not sure exactly, but, there is a way to at least send a message to your superiors, if you tell me the coordinates of the planet your from, I can point our satellite dish in that direct and send the message that you need help." "Do you think your communications array can reach that far?" "We won't know if we don't try." However, before mick could realign the dish, the lantern power prism started spinning like crazy, catching mick and jeevy's attention. "Whoa, is that what I think it is?" "The lantern power prism jeevy, and by the looks of it, I think it wants to grant another power coin to the rangers." The prism suddenly shot a beam of energy right at jeevy. "What the, what's happening?" "Jeevy, don't move." The bean began widen to jeevy's width as it moved up and down her chassis, as it moved, it left a trail of red until she was completely red, the beam also added a few extra features onto her. When the beam was done, the prism retracted the beam, then shot out a power coin for mick to catch. "Holy, that was a whole lot more then a power coin." Jeevy started to examine herself, unsure of what just happened. "What did the prism do to me?" Mick shrugged. "By the looks of it, it gave you some new upgrades." Mick got a mirror so jeevy could examine herself in more detail. "The prism also gave me a new paint job by the looks of it. Hm, this is a good look for me though." Mick suddenly had a thought. "Jeevy, try to rev up your engine, see if the prism repaired it by any miraculous chance." Jeevy tried to rev up her engine, and much to her excitement, it made it's usual low hum, which got louder when she revved it up even more. "I don't believe it, it's fixed!" "The prism must've fixed and upgraded you at the same time." Jeevy raced out the door and did a few laps around the lantern corps base. "The prism even souped up my engine, I'm going faster then ever!" She skidded to a halt in front of the mick. "Thank you mick, this is the first thing that's gone right for me since crashing on this planet." "Glad I could help, but I still can't figure out why the prism also launched a power coin out, the rangers haven't even called for back up yet." As if to prove mick wrong, Zach commed him on his communicator. "Mick, do you read me?" "I read you Zach, what's going on out there?" "It's creepox, he's turned into some kind of transforming monster!" Jeevy's eyes widened. "A cybertronian, they're beings from another planet called cybertron, they're hard to beat." Mick had an idea. "Jeevy, get this coin to Zach, it could help in defeating that cybertronian." "Alright mick." Jeevy opened her door so mick could place the coin on the passenger seat. "Alright, time to test out how fast I can really go." Jeevy zoomed out of the base at top speed, racing towards the battle.

Out in the desert, the rangers were barely holding out, they had never faced creepox in his full potential, and creepox was enjoying every minute. "Ha ha ha, you thought clawster was tough, you've never faced a cybertronian before!" All of a sudden, he was blasted back several meters by a powerful quadrofusion blast. "Then luckily I'm here to help them clanker!" "Jeevy! What happened to you?" "The lantern power prism souped me up, it also gave us this." Jeevy opened her door for the rangers. "A power coin?" Zach reached in and picked up the coin. "Mick said that the coin was for you Zach." "For me? This is the first time the prism has spat out a coin made for one ranger only." Creepox got to his feet. "Grrr, your that twerpette from before! I'll slice you in two and send your remains to the scrapyard!" Zach looked at the coin. "Guys I say we find out what this coin can do." "Do it Zach." "Alright, power coin, lock in! Super lantern battlizer, activate!" When he pressed the button on his super morpher, it let out a beam of red power ring energy that looped around and headed straight towards jeevy. "What?!" The beam hit her and much to everyone's surprise, it didn't damage her, but it lifted her up and moved her towards Zach. When she got with inches of Zach, a burst of energy encased both of them, the resulting light was so bright the rest of the rangers and creepox to cover their eyes. "Zach? Jeevy?" The light dimmed down and when the energy dissipated, they saw that Zach and Jeevy had merged into one. "Zach? Jeevy? What happened to you guys?" Zach examined himself. "I don't know, it's like we, power linked together." Creepox began charging towards the powerlinked Zach and jeevy. "Excellent, now I get to destroy them both!" Jeevy started talking to Zach through his helmet. "This is incredible, the prism has enabled us to merge together!" "Jeevy, do you have control of any weaponry on this thing?" "Yes this thing's got blasters, sabers, missiles, we're practically a fortress." Let's try the missile, target Creepox!" "I can't, you must be the eyes of the link." Creeping swung his swords and struck Zach and jeevy in the stomach, smacking them off their feet several meters backward. "Alright, then lets try the sabers." "Just give me a sec to find the right button for those, got it." Two sabers extended from Zach's gauntlets. Zach swung up just in time to block creepox's next attack, knocking creepox off balance. "Gah, alright so you blocked that attack, I can still see you two are only amateurs at powerlinking!" While the battle continued between creepox and the powerlinked Zach and jeevy, several super kudobots had engaged the remaining 8 rangers. "Even with that extra power the coin granted, Zach and jeevy aren't looking so good!" "We need to finish this and help them out!" "Then lets breakout an old trick of mine. Super lantern saber, gold rhythm strike!" Levi sent his rhythm strike at the super kudobots, annihilating all of them. "Great, now lets deal with creepox!"

Back at the base, mick was busy trying to establish communications with jeevy's home world using the frequencies that jeevy gave him. "Come on, if I can just get a halfway decent connection, jeevy won't need that transmitter right away." He heard the prism acting up again. "What's the prism doing now?" This time, the prism spat out another coin. "A new coin, what could it be now?"on the coin was a picture of a jeep, a jeep that looked an awful lot like jeevy. "Is this a zord.... coin..... I knew those upgrades weren't just for the battlizer!"

Back in the desert, all nine rangers and jeevy were fighting creepox, and creepox wasn't doing too hot. "Gah, you may have a new power, but you need a lot more practice before you can use it to destroy me!" He set off a smoke bomb and used it as his escape. "Ta ta rangers, your luck has saved you yet again, but one of these days it will run out!" He transformed and sped off, leaving the rangers in the dust. "He got away again!" "Next time we have to finish him, he's just too dangerous to be running loose." All of a sudden. A ball of bright light encased Zach and jeevy for several seconds, when the light dimmed, Zach and jeevy were no longer power linked. "Well, I guess that means the effects don't last that long." The rangers helped Zach to his feet. "I can't believe you two can powerlink now, that is amazing." "Yes, but clearly we need to train with it before we can use it in battle." Jeevy nodded. "Yes, even so, that was awesome! I knew I was going to be fighting in the field with you guys, but that was a whole other level!" Jeevy's excitement over the powerlink made everyone smile.

In the ark. "Grrrr, lets send in our newest creation. Release the skullgator!"

In the desert, jeevy and the rangers were on their way back to the base. "So jeevy, now that all this is over, how did you come to crash on earth?" "Well Zach, it's a long story, starting with frodo's initial capture-" before jeevy could go any further, a gigantic monster sprang out of nowhere behind them. "What the heck?!" All ten of them skidded to a halt. "What is that thing?!" "If I had to guess, a friend of Frodo." "Looks like our job isn't finished yet, lets call in the big stuff!" "Zord coins, lock in! Lantern zords, out of the darkness!" All 11 zords the rangers had all came out of hiding and proceeded to ram the monster like they always did. "Stay back jeevy, this usually gets ugly fast." Jeevy backed up a few meters. "Alright everyone, lets do it!" They all jumped into their zords. "Rumble tusk lantern corp megazord, combine!" "Astro bison king megazord, combine!" "Air surfer megazord, combine!" All three megazords were activated. "Lantern super drive saber, activate!" The lantern saber appeared. "Lantern super drive, activate!" The rangers suits bulked up. "Rumble tusk Lantern corps megazord, ready!" "Astro bison king megazord, ready!" "Air surfer megazord, ready!"

The fight has gone to mega mode, will the new zord coin be enough to stop the monster? Find out as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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