Iron Adventures: super lantern corps 9

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Red skull led the troops as they began to blast at the walls of the refugee base. Trying to bring it down. "We keep this up, we will draw out those so called rangers and obliterate them!" The doors of the base opened and the super lantern corps raced out on their lantern cycles. "Alright, cease fire right this instant skull!" Skull turned to see the team and jut stood there. "Are you kidding? These are the power rangers? Is frodo mad?" "We're warning you skull, there's a good reason why we are earth's guardians!" "Really? Then come on, show me why you are earths guardians, now that the super iron avengers are history." "You asked for it, it's super lantern time!" "Super lantern mode, activate, let it light!" The nine rangers morphed into super lantern mode. "Super lantern rangers, fear no danger!" Red Skull was not impressed. "Oh please, even 3 super iron avengers are more impressive then all nine of you, FOIS soldiers, ATTACK!" The FOIS army charged. The rangers accelerated on their cycles and began blasting at the army.

Up in space, the Enterprise had its turbolasers locked on the dreadnaught. "General, our scans of the enemy vessel have come up with no life signs on it." "They must've beamed down to the planet, we need to beam down after them." A small beep sounded on mr crusher's console. "Hang on, something's just come up. There's a strange power signature emanating from the planet, we have visual ability." "On screen." An aerial shot of the super lantern corps zooming through the FOIS on their cycles came up on the view screen. Catching everyone on the bridge off guard. "What the hell?" "Wait a minute, I think I recognize those people." "You do General?" "Yeah, Anyone watch the galactic news a few months ago? That one segment on clawster's recapture?" "Yeah, If I recall correctly, the rangers described something that sounded like a team of power rangers that call themselves the lantern corps." "Well, I think we now know what caused skullface to return." Padme started for the turbolift. "Bridger, you and I are beaming down, the rest of you, keep that dreadnaught from escaping this system." "Aye sir, just do us a and kick red skull's butt for us."

On earth, the rangers were wrecking the last of the FOIS grunts. "That's the last of the army." "Now let's take down skullface!" The rangers disembarked from their cycles and ran towards red skull. Who was just laughing. "You pathetic weaklings, you hide behind your machines instead of fighting personally like true soldiers." "Well, then allow us to oblige you and show you what we're made of!" The rangers charged at red skull, desperately trying to land a blow on red skull, and much to their surprise, he was able to hold his own against nine rangers. "Gruh, he's tough." "Well, then let's go straight to our most powerful attack." "Great idea Tasha." The rangers readied their blade blasters. "Blade blasters, charging!" The blasters powered up. "Blade blasters, final attack!" Nine laser bolts shot out of the blasters and rocketed towards red skull, red skull just drew his blades and ricocheted the blasts back at the rangers. Blowing them off their feet and demorphing them. "Are you kidding me? This again?!" Red skull aimed at the rangers. "I'm almost tempted to let you live so you can hone your skills, but my revenge can't wait. So prepare to perish!" Jeevy suddenly raced into the scene and started firing. Red skull deflected the blasts back at her and blasted her off balance, tipping her into her side. "Well, That could've gone better." Red skull returned his aim to the rangers. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, he heard shouting from behind him. "Stop right there skullface!" Red skull turned and saw Padme and Jonathan aiming pistols at him. "By the authority of the RRR government, you are ordered to stop this crusade and surrender!" Red skull squinted his eyes, then widened them. "Ah, If it isn't the traitor and his girlfriend, the RRR must be getting desperate if it sends cadets to stop me." "We are well beyond cadets skullface, now surrender or we will open fire!" "Really little girl, you really must be still cadets if you think you can stop me, ta ta parasites, next time we meet you won't be so lucky." Red Skull phased into thin air, effectively escaping captivity. "He got away." "He won't get away next time." The rangers got up on their feet as Padme and Jon walked over to them. "You Guys Alright?" "Yeah, we're fine. I'm guessing you aren't from earth." "We're from another galaxy, So is red skull, you must be the Lantern corps power rangers the Jedi rangers told us about." "That's us, I'm Zach, This is Brian, Justin, Levi, bulk, skull, Ashly, Molly, and Tasha." They all heard ratcheting near them. "Uh, a little help here guys?" "And that's jeevy, a sentient vehicle from another planet. You two mind helping us to get her right side up?" "Not at all. I'm Padme by the way, and this is Jonathan." "Nice to meet you." The eleven of them set themselves up on either side of jeevy. "Alright everyone on three. One, two, three!" They pushed and pulled with all their might, eventually managing to get jeevy on all four wheels again. "Thank you, the prism fixes and upgrades my engine, gives me the power to combine with megazords, become a battlizer, gives me a quadrofusion cannon, but no way to get myself upright, what a let down." "Don't worry, we all wish that the prism would've given us undemorphable suits, but clearly that didn't happen." "I don't think undemorphable suits are a thing, otherwise jeremy would've incorporated that into our ironizers." The rangers stopped, and only now just realized who saved their butts. "Ironizers, you're super iron avengers!" Jon spoke up. "Nope, just padme, super iron rescue ranger." "But right now I'm not a super iron avenger. Jonathan and I are officers of the Rebellious Resistance of the Republic, here on a mission to capture red skull and bring him in. By any means necessary." "So, Red Skull is from your galaxy?" "Yes. Earth isn't the only planet he's terrorized, he once had dozens of planets under his thrall, the RRR was the only thing that could stop him at the time. At the battle of torros, a team of RRR cadets was able to defeat red skull, and banish him to the stars." "And now you want him in prison?" "It wasn't until several years later when we realized that banishing him was a mistake, when we got word that red skull was terrorizing a populated planet." "How did something like that get to your galaxy?" "Our satellite network can pick up radio signals from trillions upon trillions of lightyears away." "Woah." "Yeah, woah Indeed." They heard engines racing towards them. They all turned around and saw General Picard cycling towards them. "General Picard, this isn't gonna go well." General Picard dismounted from his motorcycle and started walking towards the group. "What happened rangers?" "Red skull got away General. But not before his army was decimated." "And two decided to surrender?" General Picard clearly meant Padme and Jonathan. "These two aren't in league with red skull General, they are on our side." "We can't be sure, we can never be sure these days." "General, I assure you that our only intention here is to bring red skull to justice for the many crimes he's committed on earth, and in our own galaxy." "And what do you have to prove that claim?" "Do you remember the first battle of the second war with galactus?" "How do you know about that?" "Because the Rebellious Resistance of the Republic reinforced the super iron avengers in breaking through to earth. And I fought alongside the other super iron avengers to defeat galactus for good." "Oh yeah? Then prove it." "General, With all do respect, you've got a serious case of paranoia. These two officers just saved the super lantern corps from red skull, and they're here to help us defeat him. Why can't that be enough for you?" "Because considering that earth has faced evil aliens before in all different shapes and sizes, we just can't just trust anyone just from their word." Padme raised her spirit ironizer. "If a demo is what it will take to convince you not to arrest us, then you will get one. Everyone better take a step back."

In the ark, frodo met red skull in the launch bay. "Well, it appears you've underestimated my enemy." "They are not just your enemy anymore, they've just made this personal." "Relax skully, ill set you up with enough super kudobots to decimate those pests, once and for all." "Then I shall require them immediately, I want to attack again as soon as possible."

At the lantern corps base in the refugee base. The super lantern corps, Padme, Jonathan, and mick were in the kitchen eating a nice lunch, and chatting about things. "So Bridger, What was it like the moment you realized that you married a super iron avenger?" "Well Molly, the truth is that me and Padme had married each other long before the super iron avengers were even a thing." "But you were shocked when I gave you the news weren't you." "Yes Padme, I was, And I was also a little jealous too, mainly because now I have to hang back and Captain a starship while you go off with the rest of the team on some crazy, potentially deadly adventure." "Not That you mind right? Because you always tell me about how the Enterprise continues to encounter surprises even after I had left to take my place as general of the RRR." "They just weren't the same without you, you guys wouldn't believe the Adventures we've had since being assigned to the Enterprise 40 years ago." "Oh yeah? Try us, because there's a talking Jeep down in the main base drinking oil." "That's nothing, Have you guys ever heard of an artificial planet?" "No." "That's because no one has ever seen it, until the RRR discovered it and sent the enterprise to investigate." "You win, what happened?" "We determine it was safe for citizens and now it's the most populated structure in the galaxy." "Huh, And who did build the planet?" "We are still trying to figure it out to this day." All of a sudden, the lights in the hanger flickered off unexpectedly. "Grah, The powers out again." "Again?" "Ever since we moved into this hanger following the destruction of our hometown, we've experienced recurring power outages. Probably because the tech we use eats up more power then what our solar panels can produce." Ashley got out of her chair. "I'll go fix it, we should really think about installing more solar panels. Then we wouldn't have as many outages." Padme also got up out of her seat. "I'll go with you. I might be able to prevent any further outages." "Seriously?" "Its possible." "Alright, follow me." Ashley and Padme left the room while the other rangers and mick started turning on flashlights. "It's a good thing we have these, these power outages leave the base completely dark." "At least it's only dark, just be glad you don't need oxygen generators on planets." "The flagship of the RRR has power outages?" "She's the oldest ship in the fleet, the only ship in RRR history to be in service for as long as she has been. She's been having outages a lot more lately, but it's nothing we can't handle. Especially with not suffocating as a motivation." "Fair point."

The rangers and Padme and Jon are getting along, meanwhile red skull is planning a come back. How will it end? Stay tuned.

To be continued.

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