Chapter One

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M/N felt himself slamming into a wall blood slowly went down from his head

he looked up to his mother and father looking down at him with disgust

"Your a disgrace to our family i wish we left you in the streets where you belong" said his mother while slamming her foot on his stomach

M/N felt like puking his head was pounding like he ran a mile his body was sore and hurt like hell

when his mother hit him in the stomach he spit out blood and went into a coughing fit

His parents were pleased about seeing his pathetic body in the ground coughing out blood

His parents left him in the living room they opened the front door and slammed it shut

M/N stayed still for a bit until he heard the engine of the car roar to life and the engine fading away

he stood up and limped to the bathroom where the first aid kit was

he opened it and got bandages for his stomach and head

When he finished M/N limped to the basement stairs where his room was

When he reached the room he saw boxes around the place no bed no drawer nothing just old stuff

The paint in the wall was fading the floor boards squeaked nails and splinters where up making the room more dangerous for people without shoes or with shoes that are not that strong

M/N jumped on the boxes until he was in front of a specific box the box was empty but had a F/C blanket in the bottom and a S/C blanket on top

he jumped in and got comfortable and snuggled up in the warm blankets he closed the box letting the inside be dark hiding him from his parents

It was the safest place his parents would have to kick the boxes or look through all of them to get to him

M/N closed his eye's smiling that he's safe in this box for now, and waiting till the next morning 

"daddy?" yelled a little boy M/N watched the boy looking around the forest trying to find his other parents

The boy looked exactly like him but smaller and had shorter hair the boy had tears slowly fall from his cute face

The little boy turned around and saw a man with a featureless face looking at him the boy's frown turned upside down and he was smiling happy to see the man

" My Child where have you been I've been looking everywhere for you" said the featureless man he didn't have a face he didn't even have a mouth to talk

The small boy ran to the man and hugged him "daddy i was scared" said the little boy the man hugged back he picked the boy up and walked to a direction

"Come my child we shall go home" said the man they vanished and M/N felt himself falling to a dark void

M/N opened his eye's and the first thing he heard was screaming coming from downstairs where his parents slept

he shook in the box trying to stay as quiet as possible his eyes went wide when he saw a figure dragging his father up the stairs

his father was struggling from the mans grip until the man kicked his stomach making his hands hold his stomach trying to stop the pain

his father looked at his direction with fear in his eyes he must've saw M/N because he opened his mouth and yelled at the top of his lungs with a plea in his voice

"please don't kill me kill my son instead" said dad I looked wide eyes at him while he smirked at me the man turned around and looked at the direction i was in

I didn't see his face but I knew I should leave and fast M/N opened the box and ran out limping in the process he ran downstairs where he saw his mother with blood on her face and her eyes are open wide with fear

I reached the door and ran out zooming past the tree's away from that hell hole away from the murder

everything was a blur until M/N thought he ran far enough he went up a tree and slept there curling like a ball and waiting till the next morning where he meets the sun on him and the cold air on his S/C skin

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