Chapter nine

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"You know the next time you do "it" be more quiet alright" you almost jumped when you hear a voice in toby's room

"BEN w-what are you talking about?" BEN smirked and walked up to you slowly

"You know exactly what I'm talking about M/N~" you tried to tell him you didn't know what he was talking about

Until a messy hair Toby walked through the room he looked exhausted

BEN smirked when he saw you stare at him drool fell down from your mouth until you wiped it away

Toby saw you and walked up to you with a smile he wrapped his arms around you and snuggles up to your neck making you giggle

While BEN still watched them with a smirk on his face

"BEN to answer your question yes we did "It" Toby said BEN smirked and nudged your shoulder

"So how hard did Toby go" you stared at him then turned around to walk upstairs

Your face was flustered and you can hear the laughing coming from downstairs

Seeing a window you felt like jumping to the other side to run around the forest

"who's stopping you"you thought, you shrugged and ran to the window jumping through it

The wind made your hair went everywhere the wind lasted a second until you landed on the grass

You turned around to see no one thankfully taking a deep breath you shut your eyes and ran

The wind picked up, your hearing went up too, you can hear the city and all the talking and noises

Your eyes opened and saw a patch of big trees around you

Laughing was heard and you fell down on the floor on your back

Smiling like crazy then you heard a snap

Turning around you saw Toby there rubbing the back of his neck

"You know there was a easier way to get out the house" he smiled you stick your tongue at him making him laugh

That's when he sat right next to you looking at the stars

"You know your eyes remind me of the sun it always shines the brightest" you blushed and hit him in the shoulder

"Awww your cute face is blushing~" your mouth twitched a little into a smile until you stood up and tackled Toby to the floor

Your breathing was faint it made Toby worried until he pulled you into his chest

A knife came speeding through the air to a tree it hit the tree it got knocked down with a thump

They looked behind them and saw no one but heard a laugh

"Oh M/N you can't escape me" you where pulled into a hug from your lover he looked around the trees looking for the bastard

"Don't you dare touch him" Toby growled while taking out a hatchet and the other hand wrapped around my waist

"Ha is that supposed to hurt me?" you saw the regret in his face then he looked down

"I want you to run M/N don't look back" you tried to speak to Toby but he glared at you with a look of sadness and rage

You nodded and turned aroumd to the woods running past the tree's you saw the slenderman mansion rising from your sight

You slammed the door opened to see Jeff and EJ talking in the living room

They saw you and ran right in front of you they stared in worry

"T-Toby's in trouble" Jeff ran upstairs leaving EJ to try to calm me down

"Calm down what happened?" you took deep gulps of air but was able to coughed out one word

"Zalgo" EJ ran upstairs like Jeff did leaving you a mess crying tears of sadness

You could've help him think that maybe if you did go with Zalgo none of this would be happening

Toby would be here eating waffles and going on missions

But because of you he might be hurt or worse... I don't want to see him dead i want to see him breathing smiling happily

You ran out of the house not waiting for the others

Finally you reached the place that you and Toby saw Zalgo

You looked around to see no one but in the ground there was a par of broken orange goggles and a note

Slenderman give me M/N if you follow these instructions your proxy would be returned to you without a scratch misbehave then something might happen to him

Sign zalgo

757 words

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