Thankless Job

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"It's a thankless job," Batez began, dramatically, gesturing to the poor sap who sat tied up in a chair in front of her and her partner.
"But somebody's got to do it!" Bentz her partner responded, grabbing his nightstick before tossing Batez her own.

"Beating out the sinners one by one," they sang together, thumping the lad on every beat. "Bashing out the mistakes too!" They cackled triumphantly as the young gladhand pleaded his innocence, but the Translators merely sang over his screams.
"Keeping you from the final fall," Bentz began again, leering threateningly over gladhand who understood the implications.
"Saving up dictations of your sin," Batez chimed in, placing the good little dictation machine before the trembling boy and shoving the tube and mouth piece in his face.
"No one ever thanks us when we're done," Bentz added, listening to the boy all but sob his confession into the machine. Never once did he reference how lucky he was to have the Translators to set him right instead of letting him fall. Ingrates.
"How self absorbed people can be!" Batez rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what Bentz meant. Then they noticed that the gladhand had stopped dictating. Tsk, tsk. Batez and Bentz shared a disapproving glance at the gladhand before their own song continued.
"With a thump!" Batez sang, hitting the gladhand on the left shoulder which sent him reeling to the right.

"And a bump!" Bentz followed up, hitting his right shoulder and sending him back to the left.
"Eenie meenie miney moe!" Batez cackled, clubbing a part of the boy's battered body on every word.
"With a bash!" Bentz said, knocking the boy's head.
"And a crash!" Batez added, adding another blow. The poor fellow had rivulets of blood flooding down his face. It was amazing he was still awake.
"Returning angels good and new!" Bentz added, pinching the boy's cheek coldly while Batez gave a mock kiss on the other cheek. He feebly swatted them both away. But of course, the translation carried on. It was like a game to the Translators.
Finally, though, the boy did faint from the pain and his whole upper body was an unrecognizable mass of blood and bruises. Batez grinned sadistically before holding him by his wrists and dangling him along as though he were a puppet.
"It's a thankless job!" she began.
"But somebody's got to do it!" Bentz replied.
"Got to do it!" Batez's voice rose in pitch as she pretended to make the unconscious boy sing. Bentz laughed manically at the sight.
"Like a mop!" Batez sang.
"Like a mop!" the puppet sang.
"And a broom!" Bentz added, eager to see the twisted puppet sing again.
"And a broom!" Batez did not disappoint, making her voice even squeakier than ever.
"No one wants a thankless job!" the trio sang in operatic voice, then the Translation finally ended.
With the translation over and the boy unconscious, the Translators had run out of things to do. Batez let the boy slump over in his seat with a look of disdain and Bentz took her nightstick, swiping clean and tossing it aside. It was a very anticlimactic end to what had been an intense, near psychotic translation.

AN: While comparing Repo to TDC, I realized how much Thankless Job fit the Translators. Do you see it now too?

(Reupload bc I didn't tag it right the first time)

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