6: Blood Relation

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Lyra's pov~

After serving dinner to father's contract my father went to clear the table taking the dishes to the kitchen. As father's contract starts to leave the room I hear him say. "Come to my study."

I snap my head in his direction before tilting it. "What?"

"You heard." He says before walking out of the room. I cross my arms a bit.

"Well, alright then..." I mumble before sighing and walking out of the dinning room and towards his study. I open the door and peak in to find the boy in his chair at his desk. He looks up at me.

"Come in." He says. I walk in closing the door behind me and standing in front of him.

"Yes, young master?" I ask, mimicking my father. He sighs.

"If you're going to be a maid here you shouldn't call me "young master", it will seem weird." He says. I nod a bit.

"I'll take that into consideration." I say he nods a bit looking off to the side. "So... you wanted me for something?"

"Yes, I did. I know that you're... a friend of Sebastian's?" He says in a questioning way.

"I guess you could put it that way." I say.

"Well, I want to know about Sebastian's past." He says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Sebastian's past? Why?" I ask in curiosity.

"He never mentions his past to me, and I'm curious." He answers. I smirk a bit.

"Why don't you just order him to inform you of what you want?" I ask he huffs.

"I'd rather just ask you." He answers I sigh a bit.

"Fine, what would you like to know, master?" I ask.

"How long have you known each other?" He asks.

"Well, for as long as I can remember." I answer truthfully.

"Alright. Why do you look almost exactly like him?" He asks. My mouth opens slightly.


"You couldn't of thought I didn't notice that you have the same hair color, same hair style, and same eyes. It's obvious." He says. I bite my lip slightly.

"Uh.." I look to the side a bit. I'm at a loss for words. I've never been in this position before because I don't usually stay with my father when he has a contract. So I never had this conversation before. "I don't know what you're implying..."

"I'm implying that you and Sebastian have a blood relation."

'Well... he's not dumb.' I think before finally answering. "There is a... relation."

"Then tell me, what are you to Sebastian?" He asks. I bite my lip slightly looking down.

"I'm his daughter." I answer truthfully. The boy puts his elbows on the desk resting his chin on his hands.

"Really?" He asks. I simply nod at him. "You look so much alike you could be twins if you were the same age."

I smile a bit at that. "Thank you, that's a high complement."

"I suppose..." He says. Soon the door opens revealing father as he steps in and looks at me before looking to his contract.

"Young master, it's time to retire for the night." Father says with a curious air to his presence as he examines the two of us.

"Yes, it is. Thank you for cooperating." The contract says before standing I curtsy to the best of my abilities.

"Of course. Goodnight, master." I say before he walks past father. Father shoots me a curious glance before following his contract out of the room.

I sigh in relief that the conversation is over before running a hand through my short hair. "Well, father said I could tell the truth if asked. I was asked."

I shake my head a bit before walking out of the study and through the halls towards the stairs. When I arrive at the stairs I find the woman, Mey-Rin, heading to the hall that leads to the servants quarters. I swiftly walk down the stairs and towards the woman walking up behind her before gently tapping her shoulder.

She practically jumps out of her skin with a small shriek making me blink a few times. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to give you a fright."

She turns and looks at me placing a hand on her chest sighing in relief. "I-I'm fine, Miss Lyra!"

"That's good." I say. "Heading off to bed?"

"Oh, yes! Mister Sebastian said I've finished my chores for the evening, so I'm heading off to my room!" She says fixing her glasses the almost fell off during her minor heart attack. "You too?"

"Well, I'm meeting f- Sebastian at his room so he can give me my list of chores for tommorrow." I quickly correct myself. 'I really must be more cautious when speaking so freely to a human about father...'

"Oh, I'm sure Mister Sebastian will put you to good use here, yes he will!" She says.

"Oh, I'm sure he will. Would you like to walk with me?" I ask. She smiles.

"I'd love to Miss!" She says. I give a polite smile before we start to walk down the halls towards the servant quarters.

She talked a bit about how she loved working here at the manor with everyone, how the young master gave her the glasses she wears, and how extremely skillfully father works to make everything perfect, not that it surprised me. But something I did notice was when she talked about my father she started blushing a bit.

Soon we came to the hall where her room was and we said our farewells and good nights before I leave to meet father in his room.

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