8: Birthday Present

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Lyra's pov~

It's been a few days since I've arrived at the manor and things are going rather smoothly I'd say. I've helped father with nightly and morning chores, as rules state, and helped keep the other 'servants' from messing up stuff. I mean, I understand why father hired them, you know because after working with them for five minutes I had to ask "Why on earth would you hire them?" And he quickly informed me of why he did, so I understand. But damn. They are accidents waiting to happen, like a ticking time bomb that could explode at any minute and then 'BOOM!' the manor is a wreck. It's fine though I've learnt to live with it and how to defuse the bomb before it explodes in my face.

Now, on the bright side, I met a another servant that works here named Tanaka. He apparently has worked here before father was even called upon and used to hold the title of the Phantomhive's head butler before my father came and took it. He is rather strange really, but I do much enjoy his company. I know it seems weird but to be fair, he is the closet to my real age out of everyone in the manor.

Today I was tending to my chores as usual, plus some. Tomorrow we have to go to the city to investigate a crime scene, also pick up the contract's cane because the younger boy, Finny, broke it again. But I suppose that's fine, just means I get to get out of the manor, it might even be nice.

At the moment was finishing cleaning up the library before father walks in. I turn to him.

"Hello, father." I greet. "What can I do for you?"

"Hello, Lyra. I was going to see if you could dust the young master's study for me." He says I tilt my head.

"Of course. But if you don't mind me asking, why? You usually do that." I ask he sighs.

"Well, it's getting late and Finnian broke a statue and now he's panicking, so I must tend to that at the moment." Father answers. I nod.

"Understood. I'll take care of the study at once." I say. He smiles.

"Thank you, Lyra." He says before turning and exiting the room. I quickly finish my work and head to the contract's study. She arriving I open the door softly before walking in.

"Hello." The boy says after glancing up at me.

"Hello, master." I greet back before going to do my job, swiftly and quietly. The room had a silence hanging around it. Not the comfortable kind either, more of a awkward silence that engulfed us, but we just didn't speak.

I soon finish the job, being fast and all, before I start to exit. As I was about to leave i hear the boy speak up.

"If you were a human girl, what would you want for a birthday present?"

I raise my eyebrows and look over my shoulder at him before turning.

"Excuse me, master?" I ask the boy.

"If you were a human girl, what would you want for a birthday present?" He asks again. I look down a bit with a hand on my chin.

"I um... don't have much experience with female humans, but I know jewelry is always something that humans fawn over." I answer. He nods slightly.

"Uh, if you don't mind me asking. Why are you asking such a question, master?" I ask. He sighs a bit.

"There's a birthday of someone I know that's coming up, and I know she'll expect something great." He answers I nod.

"I understand. Is that all you needed?" I ask. He nods.

"Indeed. You're dismissed." He says. I curtsy before exiting the study and going to father to see if I can help with anything else before everyone retires for the night.

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