Ross Lynch Love Story Episode 2

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(the next day at school)

Lexi: Hey Linda!

Linda: Hey Lexi! I wanted to talk to you....

Lexi: (frowns) You did?

Linda: Yeah you're friends with Ross right?

Lexi: Yea

Linda: Does he think I'm cute?

Lexi: NO!!!!!!!!!!!

Linda: (confused)

Lexi: I mean I don't know I have to get to class (fakes the bell

and Linda's friends start walking to class)

Linda: Guys!!!! There's something fishy about that Lexi girl I

think she has a crush on MY Ross

(With Lexi and Ross)

Ross: So......

Lexi: So what?

Ross: Does she like me?!?!?!

Lexi: I don't know

Ross: You were supposed to ask!!!

Lexi: I did and I didn't want to tell you but..... she said No! 

Ross: (disappointed) Oh well...

Lexi: But we could hang out!

Ross: Ok so you wanna go to a movie later?

Lexi: Sure!

Linda: (spying on them) Ross just asked out Lexi!!!

Ross: Well I gotta go cya

Lexi: Cya (whispers) Rossy!

Ross Lynch Love Story Episode 1Where stories live. Discover now