Ross Lynch Love Story Episode 3

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(At the movies)

Ross: What movie do you want to watch?

Lexi: IDK

Ross: How about Romeo and Juliet I love that movie!!

Lexi: OK (smiles)

Ross: OK two tickets to Romeo and Juliet 

The ticket person: OK

Ross: Hey go get some snacks please

Lexi: OK

The ticket person: Your girlfriend is hot!

Ross: She's not my girlfriend (whispers) Not yet

The ticket person: Well maybe tonight's your lucky night she

seems like she's into you!

Ross: You think?

The ticket person: Yeah my name's PJ

Ross: K well I'll see you around

PJ: Ok work on that girl!

Ross: OK!!

Lexi: Hey so you got the tickets?

Ross: Yeah

(In the movies)

Ross: (fake yawns and puts his arm around Lexi)

Lexi: (smiles and starts thinking OMG!!!! That's the move guys use when their into a girl!!!)

(The next day at Lexi's house)

Lexi: Yeah I'll have a large pepperoni pizz- (the doorbell rings) 

Hold on

(Lexi goes and answers the door and Ross comes in)

Ross: So are we gonn-

Lexi: SHUSH!!!!!

Ross: Ok gosh

Lexi: Yes a large pepperoni pizza and a 2-litter Dr. Pepper

Ross: Get some bread sticks too

Lexi: And some bread sticks Ok Thanks!!

Ross: So let's work on our project

Lexi: OK so you owe me $2

Ross: For what!!!

Lexi: The bread sticks!!!

Ross: Oh yea I forgot

Lexi: Doofus

Ross: (smiles) I know!

Lexi: OK so what's our project gonna be on?

Ross: IDK I just came for pizza and bread sticks!!!

Lexi: You're not getting any pizza!!!

Ross: HUH?!?!?!

Lexi: I was just kidding!!! (laughs then looks in Ross's eyes)

Ross: You OK?

Lexi: Yea sorry so let's do the project on.....

Ross: ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lexi: How are you inspirational?

Ross: Cause I'm awesome at singing!!!

Lexi: And that helps how?

Ross: IDK

Lexi: How about.... R5

Ross: My band?

Lexi: Yea DK I'm stuck

Ross: Soooo.......

Lexi: When's the pizza gonna come?

Ross: IDK

Lexi: So about last night when we went to the movies.....

Ross: Yea?!?!?!

Lexi: I saw you talking to PJ

Ross: How'd you know that was his name?

Lexi: His name tag....

Ross: Oh and.....

Lexi: I kinda heard what he said to you about a girl and then 

you put your arm around me...



(They look at each other then the doorbell rings)

Lexi: Hold on (answers, pays and takes pizza) So you like me?

Ross: I could ask you the same thing

Lexi: Then ask (smirks)

Ross: So you've  had a- (Lexi kisses Ross)

Lexi: Does that answer your question?!

Ross: Uhuh Lexi I never really liked Linda--

Lexi: I knew that you weren't that stupid!

Ross: OK good (smiles)

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