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Heads up readers I'm terrible with spelling and grammar  oh yeah and comment if you want this more mature like cussing and more mature if you know what I mean -_- .
Ok begin the story cuz I think I just made my fellow readers pretty awkward.


New school new me right? I got banned from my old school for beating up the life from a kid that if you ask me he'd deserve it. I forgot to mention that the school I originally went to wasn't your typical school . Yes your correct I went to a school for monsters. I'm a monster, what type of monster you ask? Well I'm a rare monster that's a mixed breed of a werewolf and a vampire. My mom is a wolf while my dad is a wolf . To my liking it skips a generation so I guess me and my sister are unlucky or lucky I honestly don't know. On my dad's side he has some mixed breeds of vampires and werewolves but my mom's side is all werewolves. My sister and I are both vampire and werewolves but you must be think that we transform into a werewolf that sucks blood . No fellow readers you are kind of wrong we get to decide on what to transform into yes we can transform into both at the same time but that'll take a lot of stamina. Luckily I have a lot so I can but Jackie can't (Jackie is my sister).

When I got to school on my moto bike I saw a group of girls fanning themselves while going into the school gate shouting "HEY CUTIE" I was thinking to myself maybe they think I'm a guy becuz I kind of dress and look like one. I just ignored the girls and walked passed them trying to find the principal's office to sign in and stuff.  The uniform in this school is not that strict the girls have a choice to were pants or skirts I obviously chose pants but the pants were the same as the guys pants in there uniform, doesn't bother me at all. When I got done with my registration I looked at the time and thought to myself that I got here early. I had 20 more minutes to kill so I walked around to find my room and explore more about the school. To be honest I wouldn't expect this school to be this enormous. I decided to go back and try to find my room becuz I might get to lost into this maze ." Finally "I said when I found my room and the bell just rung which alerted us that our first class was about to begin. I decided to go to the back of the room and pick a desk that was at the corner of the room. When I was heading to the back all of the students were looking at me and some of the girls from outside were here and fanning themselves while whispering to other people. I didn't like the attention so I walked a little fast which made a student stick out there foot and  trip me over . I saw who it was and it was a guy who looked like trouble. After I got up he just laughed with his buddies.

If you guys want more just comment thx for reading.
Don't worry I'll publish more well if you guys want more.

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