Thnak you tagging me 😸

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I got tagged by amazing Crazyshippergal thank you! 😊 I love being tagged lol I feel wanted and notice 😁 anyway let's do this shall we!!

1: Hair color- brown but I have a gold highlights. I had that since I was 15 or 16. last year I had it redone again because it was fading and I wanted to look good when my family and I went to winter vacation at Mexico last year, I had so much fun. I still look look with highlights XD.

2: Eye color- brown.

3: Favorite Book- Keith x Reader duh and a magna book called That Wolf-Boy Mine, it's really good but Keith. reader is better obviously! ;3

4: Favorite color- it's hard to choose but I'll say light blue or neon green.

5: Last song heard- the palm of a tiny hand in Clannad After Story. It's really good and really beautiful. Please listen to it it's up above ☝🏽and please watch Clannad and Clannad After Story it's really great.

6: OTP- I have three Shidge🖤💚 Shunk🧡💛(HunkxShay)and Allance💙💜 (AlluraxLance)

7: Favorite animal- Wolf, it's really an amazing creature and beautiful. Being around dogs also feel like your with an Wolf lol

8: Favorite smell- Chinese food and popcorn lol

9: Favorite song- I have a lot so it's hard to choose but I'll have to say Turn Loose the Mermaids by Nightwish. You have to listen to it

10: Job/What you want to do when you grow up- I use to work in a fair last year but I would like be be an artist or animator, rn my parents wants me to get a job I would babysit or work in a animal hospital. I love kids and animals!❤️💕💞💓💗💖

11: Favorite game- I would have to say Mario kart, Pokémon, and super smash bros, WII.

12: What you would with a million dollars- I'll use it for college and buy art supplies

13: Crush- in real life to way! But I do have a lot crushes please don't judge me!!. Keith, Toffee (in Svtfoe), Hikaru (in Ohshc) , Spencer (in Criminal minds), Bumblebee (in Transformers), Daigo (in Beyblade burst) and Ash and Kiawe (in Pokemon sun & moon)

14: Anime/ Tv Crush- no. way. Again! *sigh* fine! But I just said it, Keith, Toffee (in Svtfoe), Hikaru (in Ohshc) , Spencer (in Criminal minds), Bumblebee (in Transformers), Daigo (in Beyblade burst) and Ash and Kiawe (in Pokemon sun & moon)!!!

15: Favorite food- Tacos!🌮 😋

16: What you got for Valentine's Day this year- 😑I got nothing 😣

17: Whoever you think would win a battle easily- Keith vs Lance............Keith❤️Obviously!

18: Best friend- All OF YOU!!!!!❤️💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️😁😁😁😁😁

19: Things you can't leave the house- my phone and earbuds 📱😂

20: Do you get mad easily- yes

21: Are you into ghost hunting- well I don't like watching scary movies but shows about paranormal activity. Nothing really really happened to me but I am interested in it and I watch shows about it👻

22: Any phobias- Coulrophobia 🤡
😱 I'm totally scared of them 😱

23: Do you bite your nails- I use to but not anymore

24: Have ever had a near death experience- I almost drown when I was younger, I didn't know how to swim but I know how to swim now

25: Do you drink coffee- sometime but not a lot only when it's really cold

26: What's one thing in your closet you can't live without- I'll have to say belt

27: Cake or ice cream- Ice cream!🍦

28: Watching yaoi in the living room-
I watch it in my iPad

29: Reason why you joined Wattpad- KEITH!!❤️❤️

30: First thing you think of when you read the word "squelch"- 😑😑😑😑😑
Really? Huh idk if I have to answer this lol I skip this part

31: What's the animal most people associate you with- they say I'm shy and quiet so I'll have to say fox?🦊  I think

Well that all about me so now it's your turn!!😊😊😁😁❤️😁💕💕

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