(Chapter 9) Pizza, Netflix, and a little bit of drama...

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Hai!!! I know it's been forever...😔 Buuuut, IM BACK! Also I was wondering if someone would like to help co-write a book together I've seen some other people do this and I thought it would be awesome to try! So if anyone's interested in doing it with me, pm me or just comment here and I'll get back to ya! 😊 OK that all!



I groan as he just stands there and laughs at me while I whine.
"Alec! Please!" He shakes his head and smirks. "You didn't answer my question..." He tilts his head to the side and looks at me.

Um... Is he stupid or something because I sure as hell told him where I was going. HOME!

I frown at him and push him off. "Alright you listening am done with you and your games to frustrate and annoy me!" He stumbles back a little and stares at me, his face full of shock as I continue to rant. I don't blame him.

"I am not a rag doll that you can just toss around where ever the fuck you want! I! Am! A! Human! Being! Alec! So! Stop! Treating! Me! Like! One!" I poke him with with every word from that last statement.

"Now to answer your question for the second time, I AM GOING HOME!"

I start to walk out of the parking lot before turning around to see him standing frozen where I left him starring at me in shock. "And for your sake you will not follow me, so leave me the fuck alone..." And with that, I left.

And he didn't follow me which I was thankful for. It wasn't till I walked through the door to my house that I finally realized what just happened.

I just did that. I did!

I do a little dance for my newfound confidence as I drop my bag on the ground next to my shoes and skip into the kitchen to get a snack. I've never been that confident before, to anyone ft that matter. So me doing that made me laugh. I run a hand through my brown curly locks while I look for something to eat. I frown when I find nothing so I decided on ordering pizza. I walk over to my purse and grab my phone and go to the contact Bae.

Yes I have the pizza place in my contact as Bae. Food will always be Bae for me...

I order a meat lovers and bread sticks as Trey comes home with a friend so I order a second one for them which makes them fist bump the air. Weirdos. "Hey Trey, hey Alex!" I wiggle my fingers in a half attempt of a wave but just end up making my hand flop like a seal. "Hey kitten how was school?" He kisses my forehead as I put the phone away.

"It was good."

It was great...

"Did anything interesting happen?" He asked as we all move to the living room to hang out. I plop down on the couch with a bounce.



He shrugs in response before grabbing the remote and turning on an action film on Netflix. We talked about upcoming events and random things while watching the movie. The pizza arrives fifteen minutes later which the boys ran for and started to shove into their faces.


I shake my head and grab my box and head upstairs bored with the movie. I sigh as I flop on my bed and open the box before grabbing a slice. I dust of my hands and grab my phone to call Rylan and Gemma because I'm sorry but I can't live without having some kind of communication with them. I call Gemma and she answers on the second ring.


"Bitch is that all I get is a hello?!"

I smirk as I wait for her to answer.

"Damn sorry! What's up?"

"One opposite of down and two I'm bored."

I take another bite of my pizza.

"Ok, and?"

"And I want you and Ry-Ry to come over!"

I flop down on my bed lie the drama queen I am and sigh.

"Aura we're a little busy ok? Maybe next time."

I frown before getting an idea.

"I have pizza..."

I smirk when she doesn't answer for a while before continuing.

"And we can watch Netflix..."

"Ugh fine! I'll be over in a few minutes"

I fist bump the air and flop off my bed and do a little dance.

"Aura! Stop doing to happy dance and hang up!"

I giggle and tell her my goodbyes before throwing my phone back on my bed and waddling to the bathroom to change to my PJs. I tie my brown locks into a loose ponytail as I walk back out.

"WHERES THE FOOOOOOOOD?!" Rylan bursts through my bedroom door and flops onto my bed and tackles me. I giggle as I shove her over and onto the floor.

"Yeah, hi to you too."

She shrugs as she takes a bite out of her slice. I turn to Gemma and giggle as I give her a hug before pulling her onto the bed and turning on my tv. We watch a few episodes of supernatural and munch on pizza and candy that we stashed in my room.

"Hey what happened today with Alec? He seemed all bummed out after school." Gemma asks with a frown. I open my mouth to answer when Rylan cuts me off.


I giggle as I nod for her to continue. She plops her half eaten slice on the box and smiles. "Well, Kale said that Aura flipped out on Alec and went all bitch mode on his ass about how she isn't a toy and shit..." She shrugs and munches on her slice again with an innocent smile.

I freeze and look straight ahead at the TV and pretend like I'm not freaking out inside. Gemma smirks and wiggles her eyebrows in a suggestive way.

"EW NO HELL NO NOT LIKE THAT!" I chuck a pillow at her and glare in which she giggles. "Didn't say anything..." She smirks and eats her Skittles. "Uh-huh but your eyebrows the tell all!" She shrugs before I chuck another pillow at her and give her the hardest glare I could.

"I'm just saying Alec was getting all touchy feely at the party a few weeks ago and now it makes me wonder what's going on between you two..." I frown remembering how he helped me with the drunk döüche at the party and wouldn't let go after he left.

Why though?

I look at her as Trey walks in to tell me he's going to bed. I nod at him as us three get ready too.

"Ry you don't need to order more pizza!" I snatch my phone out of her hand and giggle. She frown and plops on the bed before grabbing a box of Reese's Pieces. I shake my head as I walk over to Gemma in the bathroom to brush my teeth. I hum as we finish and head to bed. I turn off the light and crawl into bed. We watch Netflix till 2am before passing out.

Nighty Night....


Yeah life sucks...

Buh Bai Now....

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