chapter 16 - not Puff?!

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I cried my self to sleep aparently because the next thing I knew was I was being carried bridal-style. I opened my eyes slightly into the darkness. It was Evan.

"Put me down." I said sternly.

"Okay." He smiled and let go of me.

I fell to the ground. Hard.

"What the fuck?" I grumbled. "You could have been nicer."

"You didn't say please." I looked up to see his arms crossed over his chest.

I stuck out my tounge at him.

"Well your sleeping in the same tent but you'll be by yourself." He started to walk away.

"Wait, why?" I stood up and dusted off my pants.

He sighed, "cause you're a crazy bitch who no one want to sleep any where near. You might snap at any moment."

I stared at him in disbelief. What the hell happened to him? Where's the Even I was in love with? She really did take everyone from me. I am truely alone.

I held back tears as I realized this.

"I'm sorry. To all three of you. You shouldn't have been dragged into this." I looked down.

"Damn right we shouldn't have!" Evan screamed and stomped over to me.

I looked up, "At least I apologized for my mistakes." Tears now started to flow freely down my face. "At least I know what I did wrong! At least I'm the one trying to get out of this stupid place."

Evan started to laugh, "As if you're trying to get us out of this place."

"What the hell happened to you?" I poked him on the chest. He stepped back and I steped forward. "You were the nicest guy I knew." Another poke. Another step. "I trusted you." Poke. Step. "You were always there for me." Poke, step. "I was always there for you." Poke, step. He was against a tent now. "Where's the Evan that I was in love with?"

His eye's widened in suprise. I had never said that before. Well not out loud. His mouth and closed a few times. I had him speachless.

"Exactly!" I yelled.

I turned around and took a few steps with my hands brushing through my hair. I noticed Drew and Logan were peeking out the tent. Probably in fear.

I turned back to Evan, "Now I see that I ment nothing to you!" I yelled.

"No..." He started.

I cut him off, "Yes! I really don't give a fuck anymore. I've lost all my friends. My family can't stand to look at me and now your gone." I sighed, fighting back more tears. "I'm truely alone. All alone."

Puff ran over to me. "Okay well I still have you."

"Kim, I.." Evan started again.

"Evan!" I Yelled, "STOP! I do not need you stupid pitty."

I turned and started to walk away with Puff following me. I was so furrious. I held my hands above my head and screamed. As loud as I could. Then I felt a familiar burrning sensation all over my bady.

What now? Seriously?

I fell to the ground scratching at my skin. It hurt so much. I could hear voices but I didn't know what they were saying. I closed my eyes and kept them shut tight. Why? Why this again?

I heard some screams, girly ones....

I kept my eyes closed though. Waiting for the time that I will pass out and this pain will be gone. It didn't come. It felt like hours before I finally opened my eyes. In reality it must have been about ten minutes.

Dragons, Unicorns, and All That Jazz (#1 in the All That Jazz series)Where stories live. Discover now