Part One

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I never danced with her.

The realisation hits him as he sits on the edge of their bed, watching the moonlight slowly trickle into the room. Oliver never danced with Felicity. All the time she had asked... and he'd never once said yes.

He'd had so many chances last summer. So many chances that he'd let slip through his fingers. And now he may not have another.

She may never walk again, let alone dance.

Oliver closes his eyes tightly as memories begin to flood through his mind.


The morning they left for their road trip, Oliver came to her house to pick her up. His heart was pounding as he knocked on her door. What if she changed her mind? What if she doesn't want to go with me? But the smile that lit up her face as she threw the door open drove every doubt from his mind. As he stepped into her apartment, he noticed a little red speaker sitting on the table blasting music.

She spun around in circles, laughing and throwing her hands in the air. "I cannot believe we're actually doing this!" she shouted in a sing-song voice. Bright eyes opened wide, she grabbed his hand and pulled him in to spin around with her.

"I can't believe it either," he replied quietly, a smile brightening his own face. It really did seem like a dream.

"Dance with me!" She pulls him closer, pure joy shimmering in her blue eyes.

He laughed, wrapping her up into a hug, marvelling at the fact that now he could hug her as long, as hard, as much as he wanted. "I can't dance, Felicity."

"I guess I'll have to do it by myself then!" She gave him a quick kiss on the jaw and stepped back to throw the last of her clothes into her suitcase with one final spin. "Just so you know, I won't stop asking until you say yes." She turned her head to look up at his smiling face.

"Well, you might be asking for a long time," he replied with a laugh, lifting her bags to head out the door.

"I expect nothing less."


They arrived at their hotel room late one night after going to a nice dinner. Felicity was wearing a cobalt blue dress with a silver necklace, her beautiful blonde hair pinned up in a bun. Oliver had barely been able to take his eyes off of her at all that night.

"I'm all dressed up, you know," Felicity pointed out, trailing her fingers down Oliver's chest.

Oliver creased his eyebrows, cocking his head in confusion. "I know."

"It would be such a waste if I didn't have at least one dance tonight, right?" she asked, batting her eyelashes innocently.

"Oh, I see what you're trying to do," he said, raising his eyebrows with a smirk.

"So you'll dance?" she asked hopefully, swinging their hands back and forth.

"Not a chance," he replied, lifting his hand as she twirls under his arm. "I already told you, I don't know how to dance."

"And I already told you, I'm not gonna stop asking until you say yes!"

"Okay," he says in barely more than a whisper, suppressing a smile as she begins to waltz with an imaginary partner.

"You should be jealous, Mr. Queen. Invisi-guy might just steal my heart with his amazing dance moves."

"Well can Invisi-guy do this?" Oliver inquires, pulling Felicity to his body and kissing her passionately, her face cradled in his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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