A Beautiful Sunrise

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His breath tickles the back of my neck, causing the hairs there to stand on end; his arms tighten around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He nuzzles his faces deeper into my neck and I try to suppress a giggle. The big boy bad-ass is cuddling with me. A slow grin spreads across my face as I sigh in content.

"I know you’re up." He whispers into my ear, his voice still filled with sleep.

I nod, "I like this whole cuddling thing."

I can almost feel him grimacing behind me, "Don't get used to it, I had a bad dream."

I scoff but shrug it off, instead snuggling closer into him.

"Then I guess I'll just have to make it last."

"We have school."

I sigh, and slowly peel the covers off of us, allowing the chilly air of my room to settle over me. 

He kisses my forehead and stands up, "I'll be back at 8:15 to pick you up for school, 'kay?"

I nod and smile at him sitting up, watching him pull his shirt on before sliding my window open. He slips out and I walk to my window watching as he runs across my front lawn in his crinkled shirt and baggy sweats, making his way down the street and around a corner to his truck. 

I get out my outfit for the day before going into the shower. When I finish I pull the towel around me tight and face myself in the mirror. My auburn hair falls in wet strands around my shoulders, my blue eyes seem bigger and filled with sleep and happiness, my pale skin for once seems to glow. I walk back into my pale purple room and pull on my under garments before slipping the tight figure hugging red low cut t-shirt on, and slipping into my dark blue ripped skinnies, I pull out my black ballet flats and slip them onto my feet before heading downstairs. 

I sigh in defeat when I see my mom passed out on the couch and an empty bottle of vodka on the floor. I throw the bottle in the trash and take the quilt off the side of the couch and put it over her peaceful form.

"He's going to be okay Mommy," I whisper kissing her forehead before grabbing my keys and bag off the kitchen counter and leaving, knowing he'd be waiting for me outside.

"Hey." He says smiling slightly at me as I get into his truck.

I don't say anything back, just turn up  the radio and turn my head towards the window sighing again, knowing that today was going to bed a hard day. 

"Kalista, seriously, what's wrong?" He asks pulling the truck over and turning in his seat so that he's facing me.

"Blake, she won't stop, and I don't know what to do! That's the eighth bottle this week and it's only Thursday!"

He runs a hand down his face, "Do you want to spend the night with me?"

"And who will cook her dinner? Who will make sure she gets to the bathroom?"

"Who'll stop her from drinking!?"

"Screw you Blake. You know I can't do shit about it!"

"And have you tried?! Damn it Kalista, you always freaking complain about her damn drinking but you can't even hide the booze, or take her bank card away so that she can't go buy anymore."

"God Blake; do you not pay attention? Last time I did that, she went and got paid for sex just so she could fucking buy a bottle of vodka! You think I want my mom out on the street fucking some guy for booze?!" I scream in his face. "You just don't understand what it's like." I whisper.

"I don't understand? My dad beats me Kalista! Beats me! My mom is long gone, my sister is fucking sixteen and pregnant, my brother died! You think your life is a shit hole?! Compared to mine it's a piece of cake!" He slams his fist into the seat, his face is contorted in anger, his eyes blazing, his jaw set, his whole demeanor screams pissed off. And so I do the one thing I can. I open my door and get out, simple as that, I just walk away.

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