Chapter 3- Squad Tryouts

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Messina Lawton sat in her cell with the Ipod that she had stolen from one of the guards and was listening to 'Heathens by Twenty One Pilots while she was practising with the punching bag in her small room. She growled as she side kicked the punching bag and it flew off of the hook on the ceiling. She grabbed it and with little effort, yanked it up and hung it back off of the hooks. "Well well. Such a talented young child. You're Messina Lawton correct?" The young assassin swirled around when she heard the voice and saw a short

african american lady in a fancy getup. She gave her a suspicious look "Who's asking?" The lady had an air of authority around her but Messina wouldn't back down. She bowed to no one "I'm Amanda Waller. I want to you to work in a small group of bad people who I think can do some good." Messina facepalmed "Bitch do I look like someone that is a goodie fucking two shoes? Get someone else to do it. My answer is no." Amanda smirked at her and one eyebrow raised questioningly "You're father agreed before to protect you and your sister. Would you still say no Even if Nadia's life is on the line? How about your sister Zoe? What would you do if they were both gone in an instant?" Messina snarled at her, her eyes turning bloodshot "You even fucking lay a damn hand on either of them-!" Amanda raised her hands up in surrender "They won't be harmed unless you agree. So I am going to ask you again. Yes or No?" The smaller girl gave her a pissed look "Fine, but I swear to god that if either of them are hurt, I will not hesitate to put a fucking bullet in your skull." Amanda nodded "Neither will get hurt." Messina glared at the woman as she walked out and she turned and burst the punching bag with a strong punch "GODDAMNIT!" Lovey swung in her cell and she raised her hand to the sky of her cage and asked herself sadly "Why can't batsy just leave us alone?.." A voice spoke "Because you can't seem to stay out of trouble Miss Quinn." The girl fell from her swing and she looked up at the catwalk seeing an African American lady. She grasped the cell bars with her small hands and asked in awe "Are you the devil?..." Amanda answered wearily "Maybe.." Lovey cocked her head to the side "What do you want from me?" Amanda looked at her "I want you to be on a team of bad guys who I think can do some good." The clown girl glared at the woman and she smiled wickedly "I don't do good lady....Not my style." Amanda raised a brow "What if I can give e you a reward for it. Anything you would like?" She cocked her head to the side "Anything?" Amanda nodded. Lovey knelt to the ground and kept her gaze trainee don the government woman "As long as I see my brother." She nodded "Deal." Lovey smiled and nodded as she climbed back onto her hammock and swung lazily, humming Hush little baby but a more dark version that her mom had sang when her and Rowan were babies "Hush little baby don't you cry. Don't cut your arms. Don't say goodbye. Put down that razor. Put down that light. It may be hard but you'll win this fight~" Amanda walked down into the sewer cells. In the last cell, a certain Demi-god was trying to heal L.D.P who was unconscious and bruised. Amanda asked "Looks like she bit off more than she can chew." Thorin growled at her and his eyes flashed pure white as he pulled the smaller person closer, staring at the stranger defensively "Who are you?!" She stared down at him with no emotion "I am the person that can help you and your little friend." THorin watched her cautiously and his eyes widened when he realized who she was "You're the bitch that trapped my mother...How the fuck are you still alive?" She shook her head "It takes a lot to get rid of me. And I can help you get out of here. I want you to help a group of people that I think can do us some good." He snarled "Fuck no! You hurt my mom! ANd you hurt my friend! You deserve to rot!" She chuckled "You say that but I am the one that allows you to stay down here with Dragon and I can so easily change that." She snapped her fingers and THorin twisted his gaze and he saw the security camera flashing green "No..." Guards flooded the sewer hall and the other inmates were screaming as they ran into the Demi-god's cell, yanking the unconscious female out of his grip. Amanda looked at one of the guards "Get Archer." Thorin tried to grab L.D.P but the guards threw him to the ground and pinned him down. He thrashed around "Get the fuck off me!" "When they need you they will come and get you. You'll know when." THorin was about to protest and scream louder but one of the guards punched him across the face and knocked him out. THe guards dragged Nadia to the courtyard and threw her to the ground. When more came, Messina was with them screaming in anger "Let go of me! Get the hell off!" She stopped struggling when she noticed a slumped form on the floor and the very familiar spiky fish tail.. She felt tears come to her eyes and she started to struggle more against the guards "Nadia?" She started screaming at Waller "You fucking bitch! We had an agreement! I will fucking kill you!" Amanda smirked when L.D.P started to cough and slowly get up off the ground. Archer jumped her in a hug. L.D.P jumped "What the hell?!" Then she realized it was her friend and she hugged her back just as tightly. Then the two heard a very heavy British accented voice screaming and cursing in rage.. The girl's looked up and saw a boy with black hair with green streaks and blue eyes being dragged into the yard with them. Messina slowly stood up and Nadia growled and her tail swished around from side to side. The boy noticed the duo and he smirked "Well well well, looks like they put me with a lovely little killer and her pet lizard." Nadia roared "Yo who the fuck you calling a pet?!" Messina glared at him "Shut the fuck up and get your fucking facts right bitch. She's a dragon not a fucking lizard." He smiled creepily and Messina shivered internally, seeing his cold gaze "Ooh. Looks like you have a mouth. Guess we'll have to change that soon enough." The young assassin crossed her arms over her chest and glared up at him seeing as he was a lot taller than she was "Fuck you. Anyone who touches me dies. Plus my 'pet' will fucking rip you apart." Rowan put his hands up in surrender "Fine fine. But we'll get you soon enough and you'll see my ways. Who knows, maybe I can show ya a nice time." He winked at her. Messina blushed bright red understanding what he meant and Nadia watched the two curiously and she cocked her head to the side seeing Messina blushing"W-w-what d-does he mean Hotshot?" She shook her head "Little Dragon Person you don't need to know that." Rowan grinned deviously "It's when a mommy and a daddy love ea-" She snapped "Shut the fuck up or I'll put a damn bullet in your skull!" Her glare hardened even more and Nadia looked at the guards around them "W-why t-the h-hell are we o-o-out h-here?" Amanda walked out towards them with Nick walking behind her with a gun in his hands "If you look behind you, you'll see exactly why Dragon." The three criminals spun around and the sight made Messina smile from ear to ear. Different assortments of guns were lined on a large long table along with a bow and arrows and a crossbow. Rowan grinned demonically and he glanced over his shoulder at Waller all three's hands bound. Nick noticed and he told the head guard, Griggs "Lose the restraints." Griggs looked at them in shock "Do you known what these three can do and what they are capable of?!" He looked annoyed since Griggs was trying to contradict him because he was older. Nick has done far worse than Griggs and he wasn't exactly patient at this point "That's why I'm fucking here you idiot. Now lose the damn restraints before I do it myself." Griggs looked at the other guards wearily "Let em loose." They uncuffed Rowan and Messina while they cut the ropes that they used to tie Nadia's hands together. Messina rubbed her wrists that were bruised from how tight the cuffs where and she gave Waller and Nick a bored look "What the hell is this? Cheerleading Tryouts? Incase you haven't fucking noticed, we ain't wearing no short ass skirts and we don't got pompoms." Amanda gestured towards the mass amount of weapons on the table in front of them "They say that you never missed a shot. Prove it." Messina raised a brow "Excuse me?" Amanda grabbed a pistol and loaded it before holding out to the smaller female "Prove how good you truly are." Messina took the gun and she smiled down at it before aiming it at Grigg's forehead. All of the guards aimed their guns at Messina and Nadia growled and she snapped her teeth at them warningly, her wings bristling defensively and her tail wrapped around Messina's waist in a protective manner. Nick yelled at Griggs "Tell your men to stand down." Messina mouthed "Tell them to put it down." Griggs told them "Stand down". Griggs yelled seeing the two clearly pissed off "Colonel , this is exactly what I was concerned about!" Messina smirked "Bitch what's for dinner?" Griggs looked at one of the other guards "Ames, if this kid shoots me, I want you to kill her and I want you to clear my browser history," Nadia, Rowan and Messina gave him disgusted looks. The assassin's eyes darkened and she gestured towards the gun "See the firing pin is filed down right? The mag's full of dummy rounds so if I pull the trigger, you're brains won't scatter all over the fucking floor." Amanda smirked "You're absolutely right. Why would we give a loaded gun to an infamous hitman? Go ahead, pull the trigger. Empty it." Griggs gave Messina a 'don't you dare look' "Don't empty nothing. You don't even know this lady. I've known you like nine months. Remember when I brought you that tamarindo? That was a real good tamarindo." Messina growled and she pressed the gun more up against his forehead "That was fucking drugged and you forced that damn thing down my throat to make me eat it, dumb shit." Rowan's eyes snapped up when he heard the word drugged and the temperature seemed to drop "What?" Messina growled and Nadia's eyes dilated as she slowly stalked forward. Rowan's expression was void but then a dark smile plastered itself on his face as he lunged at Griggs, landing a punch to his jaw. The guards quickly grabbed Rowan and Messina turned, aiming the gun at the floor "Nah. I won't kill ya." Griggs let out a sigh of relief but then, the assassin turned quickly and shot the gun, blowing off his ear. She smiled at the fact that she did only 'little' damage. He fell to the floor clutching the side of his head and they could see the blood pooling out of his fingers. Nadia saw the blood and her eyes dilated once again. Messina smirked and she grabbed the carnage off the floor and tossed it to Nadia. The dragon ate it quickly and Messina held the gun tightly "Y'all bitches must be hella crazy!" She shot each target straight through the brain with every gun and when she ran out of ammo, she used the crossbow and the bow and arrow. Everyone watched in awe and Nadia had a small smirk on her face, seeing that none of it was new to her. She already knew what her friend was capable of. Rowan was also smirking seeing that the girl was very advanced in firearms and long-range weapons "She's as powerful as she is beautiful." He snapped out of his thoughts realizing that a guard had shoved him forward. He growled and his gaze landed on a separate table, there were throwing knives, and a long double edged sword. He grinned and he picked up the throwing knives. Amanda said "I know your father taught you how to use these. Show us what you got." They barely saw him grab one knife when all twelve were embedded into the targets chests. Messina sweatdropped slightly seeing how fast this guy was. But she smirked to herself thinking "We're still faster." Amanda looked over at Nadia and Rowan who looked emotionless. Amanda gestured to the Dragon "You're up." Nadia growled at her "I n-need a l-living target...." Messina cocked her head "Use me. I know what you're gonna do." She shook her head and Messina gave her a stern look "Yes. Now hurry the hell up. We don't got time and I wanna go back to sleep." Nadia sighed and veins popped up around her eyes as she lifted her hand. Messina tensed up and she stood abruptly. Nadia moved her hands and Messina moved along with her but it seemed that her movements were slightly robotic. Her eyes went back to normal and Messina moved her arm but more fluidly. She then looked at Raven "M-m-mind i-if I borrow a k-knife?" He handed her one and she winced as she embedded the knife in her arm. The guards looked horrified as she ripped it out and the gash healed on its own. It looked like it was never there. Only trace was the blood still coating Dragon's arm. Amanda smirked seeing the three valuable assets in front of her. It's only a matter of time before she got to use them. Messina cracked her shoulders and she said "Now that y'all known what is on the table, here's my price. I want better food for me and her." She gestured to L.D.P "And I don't want any of your damn guards harassing me on our little field trip. I already see some of them ogling me and if they don't stop, I am gonna make sure to hit two bullets through their eye sockets. And I want my sister Zoe to go to those large ass schools like Harvard or Yale." Nick asked "An Ivy League." Messina nodded "Yeah, one of those big joints and if her grades start slipping I want you to white people that shit. Ya know, pay em off." One of the guards murmured "She's white though isn't she?" Messina spun around and pointed at herself "Bitch I'm fucking Mexican! Get your shit straight." Nick smirked at her "You're in no position to make demands Lawton." She grinned at him and poked the tip of his nose "Oh sorry, you thought I was talking to you errand boy? Well guess what, I was talking to your boss dumbass" She pointed at Waller "That's my price hun. Ya know where to find me!" The guards dragged her away and Rowan laughed "I only got three things I want. I want to have a cell closer to that pretty one, I want a joined cell with my sister and I want access to visit the Hotshot." L.D.P growled "Don't c-call her hotshot...That's my name for her." He smirked "Oh then what are you gonna do about it Little Dragon Person?" Nadia growled louder "Shut the fuck up!" She lunged at him but the guards yanked her back. Rowan laughed "Sorry LITTLE DRAGON PERSON!" Nadia grew more angry and she punched him across the jaw "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Nick grabbed L.D.P by her forearm and yanked her back again "That's enough." The guards dragged the laughing psychotic clown away. L.D.P growled and yanked her arm away from the soldier and hissed "N-next time don't f-f-f-fucking interfere. Unless y-y-you have a d-damn deathwish." She walked away and the guards grabbed her and dragged her back to her cell. They were unaware of a certain fire demon had seen the whole ordeal. He sighed "What the hell am I getting myself into?" Amanda chuckled "Taking care of the worst of the worst."

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