Airline Love

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This is an AU in which Oliver and Felicity meet on a plane.

Oliver's point of view (POV):
Plane flights were never my favorite thing. And to be completely honest, they were the absolute worst thing.

I hated how pressure built up in my ears until I felt like my head was going to explode. I hated the stale  food and I hated the tiny little bathrooms that are so effing small that I could barely fit in them. But most of all I hated the small talk. I hated sitting next to those annoying people who didn't understand social cues and would continue to talk to me even after I had put my ear buds in. Like can't you see I'm not trying to talk to you?

So I was not looking forward to this 8 hour flight to Barcelona. I was just praying I would sit next to someone quiet.

Felicity's POV:
I've always loved flying. I mean looking out the window the world looks so small. Cars become ants and all your problems seem distant.

The technology behind it is also a marvel. I mean you have this big hunk of metal, defying gravity, flying at hundreds of miles an hour in the air.

Planes can connect you to places oceans away and bring you to places that speak unknown languages. Planes are truly amazing.

So I was more than excited to be traveling to Barcelona for the first time.

Oliver's POV:
I sat down in the tiny little seat, with absolutely no leg room and groaned in frustration. At least I had the aisle.

As I was scrolling though my emails I felt someone poke my shoulder so I looked up.

As soon as I looked up I was captivated. This gorgeous blonde hair, blue eyed, pony tail bearing, sweatpant wearing girl was looking back at me.

"Sorry, Im in the middle seat" she smiled.

"Oh yeah, of course" I managed to get out, as I continued to ogle at her.
I got up so she could pass and even though she was wearing sweatpants I could tell that God had blessed her body.

Felicity's POV:
I awkwardly scooted my way past the guy in the aisle row, settling my back pack under the seat ahead of me.

I couldn't believe my luck. Every time I flew I usually got stuck next to the guy with the terrible breath, or the guy who hadn't  showered in a week, but here I was next to the hottest guy I'd ever seen.

He was just wearing a simple white t-shirt, but lord, it suited him. His arms and his jawline looked like they'd been chiseled from marble. I smiled at him and said

"Hi, im felicity"

Oliver's POV:

Her name was Felicity. A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl.

"Oliver" I said. "Oliver Queen". I extended my hand, and she took it.

We talked the whole plane ride. All 8 hours of it. If someone would have told me a day before that I would actually enjoy conversing during a flight I would've said "yeah right" but this she was something special.

I can't put my finger on what it is, but she has this thing that makes you feel like you actually mean something. She'd hang onto everything I said, and she laughed at my jokes.

Felicity's POV:
He was cute. Like the kind of "brooding on the outside but actually a sweet goofball on the inside" kind of cute.

8 hours on a flight and you get to know a person. He told me about his work, about his family...there was something about him. Like he wanted to open up, but was scared to. Like there was so much more to uncover under the surface.

As the 8 hours came to a close and the pilot announced our dissent, and as everyone else in the plane was asleep, he whispered to me,

"I think I might just have to take you out sometime in Barcelona"

Oliver's POV
"I think you just might have to" she said.

We exchanged numbers and as I got off that plane as we touched down in Barcelona I thought:

Plane flights are my favorite thing. Like they're actually the best thing ever.

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