You Got Me ? I Got You

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Cameron wore the most confused And hurt expression on her face.

"Cameron baby let's go" I had to get her out of here because I don't like Leah and I knew this shot would end poorly If we stayed.

Cameron ignored me.

"Don't just stand there mom can I have a hug or something?" Cameron had tears In Her eyes.

I felt bad for my boo.

"Cameron , what are you doing here?" Leah asked. She looked anything less than pleased to see Cameron.

I could tell Leah had just broke Cameron's heart because it was clear that nomatter what we did, Leah wasn't happy to see Cameron & she wasn't giving her a hug,

"What do you mean Leah? Why won't you hug me?!"

My mom has HIV , me and Ka'Rahjaa didn't abandon her because of that. When we found out we wanted to help her. But then she hooked up with Leah.

Leah turned our mom against us.

"Cameron baby where is your father?"

"He left, he left me. Mom what's going on?"

"Cameron fuck it, let's go-" I tried to reason with her but then she turned towards me with rage in her eyes. Shit it scared the shit out of me.

"You knew about this? Khyro how could you not tell me something like this?! Why?!" She yelled.

"Wait hold on Cam, I didn't know shit!"

"Cameron baby I'm sick.." Leah interrupted. We all got quiet and Cameron turned towards her mom.

"Sick like what? Why mom? Because you been living up in here with this half dead bitc-

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Ce'Anna yelled.

Cameron stormed towards the door. She slammed it on her way out.

"Mom I'm sorry for that" I apologized to my mom, because I been had told Cameron's stupid ass it was time to go.

"Its okay, see you later Khyro." My mom looked so drained, as she turned away and started walking towards her room.

I started towards the door when Leah put her hand on my shoulder I almost smacked her ass.

"Yo?" I looked at her.

"Tell Cameron I'm sorry" She whispered.

"Aight , be cool" I told her, I walked out the door. When I got outside Cameron was leaned up against my car with her arms crossed over her chest.

I unlocked the doors and climbed in the drivers seat, and waited until she was situated.

I was dissapointed in her, there was better ways she could have handled that situation. She didn't have to disrespect my mom tho.

I hurried up and pulled off. I turned on some music and started blasting it so she knew not to fuckin talk to me right now. I headed on the freeway towards our house.

She turned down the music and I smacked my lips.

"Khyro, listen to me-"

"Nope you did all the talking you had to do, Cameron" I cut her off.

"Khyro Its just that-

"Shut up, see? End of conversation."

"Don't act like that towards me!"

"Cameron! Are you done?" I asked,

"Yeah matter of a fact? Let me out this car."

I looked at her like she was crazy. "Sit yo ass back we almost at the crib."

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