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"Tessa!" Jem shouted.

Tessa Gray turned and her gray eyes rested on the worm, who was previously Benedict Lightwood, just as he caught her up in it's jaws. She couldn't escape. No matter how hard she tried to fight it it wouldn't let her out of it's jaws. It clamped it's mouth shut on her, and with a sickening crack, everything went dark.


At that very same moment, Gabriel had delivered the killing blow. The demon started to fold up and vanish, but not before it dropped Tessa.

Jem got to Tessa first. He checked her pulse, and discovering there was none screamed her name, and started crying. The others didn't understand at first.

"Jem what is it?" Will asked.

"She's gone Will, she's dead." Jem told him.

They just sat there weeping over her mangled body for what seemed like an eternity, until Henry came out of the Lightwoods country house. When he saw Tessa's body he gasped and ran over to the others. Her gold wedding dress was in tatters, her gray eyes lifeless. None of them could believe it.

Gideon had just come from the carriages. He had went to make sure Tatiana was still there. Henry, who had just come out of the house, was signaling to the others that they had to go.

"What happened?" Gideon asked Jem.

"Tessa's dead!!!" He wailed.

Jem was carrying Tessa's body. He couldn't bear to leave her there. They got in the carriage and rode back to the institute in silence.


When they pulled up to the institute Charlotte and Sophie ran out to greet them. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the sullen looks on everyone's faces. Charlotte was the first to muster up the courage the question her and Sophie were both thinking.

"What happened?"

Jem replied through his sobs, "She's gone. Tessa's dead."

Charlotte gasped, and fell to her knees. She couldn't believe her ears. Not until Jem pulled Tessa's body out of the carriage. They had only known the girl for a few months, but the impact it had on the institute members, on all of the shadow world, was astounding.



So sorry that this is so bad, I can't write to save my life. Usually once I get the idea going a little more strongly it gets easier and the stories turn out better. This is my first fanfiction, and this prologue just kind of drags doesn't it?

Until next time, bye!!!

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