Chapter Three

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William Herondale was heading to dinner, not paying attention to what he was doing, when there was a loud crash. An automaton had burst through the window. He took too long to register what was happening, and the automaton caught him by the wrist. "

"Where is the girl?" It hissed. "Give her to us and no harm will come to you."

Will, who until then had been trying to break free of the Automatons grip, froze. So Mortmain didn't know Tessa was dead?

"She's gone!" Will shouted, "She's dead."

The Automaton, seemingly having realized Will wasn't going to help, stabbed Will. The Automatons hand had went right through his chest, a few inches below his heart. The last thing Will saw was the Automaton leaving through the window.


Jem ran out of his room, for the first time in days, trying to find Will. He knew Will was in trouble because of the burning feeling coming from his Parabatai rune. It had started to bleed a little bit as well. Jem knew what that had meant but he forced himself to keep searching. Finally, Jem found Will bleeding on the institute floor.

"Henry! Charlotte!" He yelled.

He needed someone, anyone to hear him. After what felt like an eternity, Charlotte, and Henry came running down the corridor with Sophie, Cyril, and the Lightwoods right behind them.

"What happened?" Henry asked.

"I-I don't know my Parabatai rune started burning and I ran to find him."

"We were trying to find the source of the crash when we heard you screaming for us." Charlotte said. "I see you've finally come out of your room."

"Yea, well I can't lose Will too. I had to find him. We must get him to the infirmary and quickly. Whatever stabbed him missed his heart, and though his breathing is shallow, he's still alive but he won't be for long. Please just help him. He can't die. Not here, not now. He can't leave me."

Just then, Jem went into a coughing fit. He started coughing up blood onto the ground. He hadn't had any of the Yin Fen for a while. He knew his time was probably coming soon and for once, he embraced it. Jem had nothing left now. He knew Will probably wouldn't survive. Jem was dimly aware of Gideon grabbing ahold of his arm before he too, blacked out.


Charlotte rushed into action, she told Henry and Cyril to carry Will to the infirmary, and Gabriel and Gideon to take Jem as well. She instructed Sophie to send a message to the Silent Borthers. Charlotte ran to get the Yin Fen from Jems room. She knew that's what he needed. He wasn't aloud to die. Not today. No matter how much he wanted to. Jem will not die. Will won't die either. Charlotte couldn't handle another death. This much stress probably wasn't good for the baby. Just when Charlotte was about to break down Sophie came over to her.

"The Silent Brothers have sent someone down to the institute. We must now wait for them. We have done all we can to help him."

Charlotte knew the chances of Will surviving were low but she had to hope. After all, he was a Herondale, and one of the strongest Shadowhunters she knew.


The Silent Brothers had arrrivec about an hour ago. They made everyone leave the infirmary, other than Will and Jem, who was still out cold after his last attack. Brother Enoch had just come into the library, where everyone was waiting and said,

"William Herondale is..."



Really bad cliffhanger... I tried. This chapter has 600 words! Whoo I'm on my way to longer chapters now! Yay!!! *crickets* The story should start to pick up soon. I probably won't post a new chapter until Saturday at least, because I have graduation tomorrow. I'm going to try and do at least one more chapter of Gateway to Madness before then. Anyways, please vote and comment for more!!! Allonsy!

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