Chapter 9

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Jalal was doing sword fight with his soldier when Abdul comes there).

Jalal said : what's wrong Abdul.

(he ask Abdul while fighting with his soldier).

Abdul said : Shariefudien have left from Mewat to attack on Amer.

(Jalal nodded and keep fighting. but hearing next word of Abdul make him shocked he kept his sword on Abdul neck and gesture other soldier to leave him alone. when all the soldier left Jalal hissed at Abdul).

Jalal said : 
what did you just say princess jodha I'd injured and can't fight war.

(his sword was hurting Abdul but he didn't care after few minutes he leave Abdul).

Abdul said : I didn't said anything wrong your majesty while fighting with Afghan she...

(he told everything whatever he heard making Jalal gasped in shock after knowing how she defeated Afghan now Jalal was totally awe by her smartness. but later knowing how she get hurt he get restless reason unknown to him).

Abdul said :  it's good as well we will win Amer easily now. king Bharmal maybe get well but he is not in condition to fight. for us only princess jodha was danger but now after few  days she will...

(he didn't get finished his words seeing Jalal blood shot read eyes who were glaring at him. he gulp his saliva shook his head little).

Abdul said : why you are so angry. what's wrong. I thought you will like this news but you become upset...

Jalal said : you are really fool or pretend to be that.

Abdul said : means.

Jalal said : nothing you may leave now.

(listening this Abdul nodded and left from there after saluting him. leaving thoughtful Jalal behind).

Jalal pov : this much happen in Amer and I didn't knew about it. hmm should I stop Shariefudien. no it will not be right I should just wait for right time. as I am sure you will not die at the hand of Coward people. Jodha.

(thinking this he look at sky than left for his room other side in Amer Bharmal was looking towards forest area by palace corridor of front gate).

Ajit Singh said :you can see your majesty they are near forest and river border. they made there tent. they surrounded us.

(listening this Bharmal tense a little his body was sweating because of hot weather but his face was having calm expression but in reality he was anything but calm still who care anyway so he look at Forest area he can see Mughal flag and lot of big tent).

Askaran Sisodia said : 
according to your words we already led our people in royal palace. and there arrangements of living are well done as well.

(listening this Bharmal nodded and started going to check weapon they had).

Paramjeet Rathor said : your majesty what will be our plan for war. look how from past three days continuously Mughal were firing at Mount area by there tank. if it's goes like this than...

(listening this Bharmal replied sarcastically).

Bharmal said :
why didn't your princess told you if Mughal attack than what will be your plan.

(listening this all of them become angry).

Ajit Singh said :your majesty why don't you understand. she didn't do what she plan to do.

Askaran Sisodia said : your majesty it was impossible for us to win the war keeping all the principle of war. and we wanted victory not name.

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