(Hamida just walked out of her room take stroll out of Harem and to check on Abdul. but on her way near Abdul room she saw Maan and Rukaiya fight. she shake her head in displeasure and walked to Rukaiya than spoke).
Hamida said : I didn't expected this from you Rukaiya.
(Seeing Hamida Rukaiya gulp nervously but then masking her emotion with a stern smile).
Rukaiya said : greeting Grand dowgarh Queen. Your expectations are always to much that I can't fulfill them.
(seeing the tone if Rukaiya talking with her and her body language of Spoil queen. Hamida sigh sadly. but she can't blame her. still thinking something).
Hamida said : you had gotten arrested Prince of Amer Maan Singh. Rajput will not like to know about this. and do you even have any idea what Jalal will do.
(Listening this Rukaiya realize what mess she had created and what trouble is awaiting for her in the name of Jalal and the new hot blood Rajput queen of his. Still she didn't show and ounce of guilt on her face for what she did. and look up at Hamida with a smirk).
Rukaiya said : from when did you started caring about Rajput likes mother...
(Hamida was about to say something when Rukaiya spoke calmly).
Rukaiya said : as far as I recall and know apart from Mughal empire you never care about anything. not your own son and even me. then why sudden concern for Rajput.
(Hamida glare at Rukaiya with emotionless eyes and stern face. as far as she tried but she can't help and get a bit hurt in her heart listening Rukaiya words).
Hamida said : Jalal had made relation with Rajput so that the most powerful belligerent force fight for us by our side instead of fighting against us. and Prince Maan Singh was our guest...
(saying this with a calm manner Hamida step a bit more closer to Rukaiya and spoke without taking her stern eyes of from Rukaiya stunned nervous face).
Hamida said : and by insulting him you given chance to out enemies to insult Jalal and empire. which I will not tolerate.
(Rukaiya take one step back and look at Hamida she can't apologize to Hamida neither Maan because she dislike both of them and why not the women front of her is the reason of her messed up life. Rukaiya glance around and finding many soldier and maid around themselves she gulp nervously but then a thought cone to her mind and with evil smile).
Rukaiya said : mother whatever I did I know how to take the responsibility of it. now permit me to leave I have to meet Jalal.
(saying this she walked inside Abdul room and even after guessing Jalal is not with Abdul she come to him. reason is simple she don't wish to be with Hamida. the lady is cunning as fox. cold as ice after spending her whole childhood with her she could never get to understand Hamida. other side Sharif by sneaking and playing hide and seek with soldier eyes. make his way inside Abul Mali cell. and killed the soldier which were guarding Abul Mali. seeing him there Abul Mali sigh).
Sharif said : hurry up. we need to get out of here. we Don't have time. after your life mine would be gone to. so I thought with mine I let Jalal one more enemy to escape. now hurry up.
(breaking the iron chain by which Abul Mali was tied Sharif spoke and give one sword to him).
Abul Mali said : Jalal Don't need enemy like me the traitor like you is enough to destroy him.
(saying this he chuckled darkly. and moved out. Sharif was about to follow him back but few more mughal soldier come there and attack on him. and Sharif got busy fighting with soldier back. And Abul Mali made his way to Fatima who was locked inside another cell few block left side. he reach there killing all soldier who come on his way and free her up seeing him Faitma cried).
Faitma said : thank God you are fine.
(listening this Abul Mali smiled a bit then hugged her).
Abul Mali said : I couldn't win. but I couldn't let you here to die. so when god give me chance to escape from here I come to free you as well.
(Listening this Fatima smiled faintly then spoke calmly).
Fatima said : if with you my life is not written in my destiny. than I want death.
(Abul Mali with a confident smile walked out with Fatima and started fighting with soldier again who come on his way all the while shielding Fatima behind himself. destiny make them apart before but not anymore. other side. Hamida was with Jalal aunt queen Gulbadan. who while drinking wine spoke calmly).
Gulbadan said : why you have issue when Jalal have no objection in this issue.
Hamida said : you don't understand queen Gulbadan I Don't have issue as well. but a Hindu Princess become Mughal empress and give hire to empire this thing Is not acceptable by many people in empire.
(shaking her head by listening Hamida words Gulbadan just drink her wine silently. letting Hamida continue further).
Hamoda said : when Jalal married Rukaiya with that marriage empire got help by hindal Mirza force as well. that's why emperor get to defeat Kamraan. if Jalal had gotten kid by Rukaiya. than he may didn't marry this much. many are just political alliance. but many are Because of my words.
(clutching the wine glass on her hand Gulbadan glare at Hamida when she saw her looking elsewhere. she loves Rukaiya allot. but she can't help and feel guilty for not being always there for her. what is there that Rukaiya didn't do. hiding the pain behind her arrogant un-cared smile. by seeing Jalal with uncountable women. but instead of sympathizing with her. supporting her Hamida give responsibility to take care of all the women need there. as queen. how much elder she was 10 or 15 Gulbadan Don't get to recall but in start she always get to notice the sorrow in Rukaiya eyes she noticed how at night Rukaiya cried hiding her face on pillow so that no one get to see her pain but she did. wiping the lone tear come out of her eyes Gulbadan look at Hamida who was still speaking nonstop).
Hamida said : princess Jodha is very kind hear-ted person but she Don't deserve to be here. her attitude is way bigger than empire. which is not right. and then she is Hindu. and people Don't even consider her marriage with Jalal legal will they accept there kid as legal or not. I am worried that it can be a big blunder for empire.
(listening this Gulbadan sigh sadly now Jodha is another poor soul suffering here. she can see how people Don't trust her but wish her to trust them and respect them. but what worry her more is Hamida attitude towards Jodha. one side on her face she will behave like mother figure with her. and other side she herself ask maid to check on Jodha always when Jalal is with her or he is present in Agra palace. she Don't get that Hamida like Jodha or not. if yes then why this alertness with her and if no then why pretend to be nice with her. If she think her as her daughter then why she don't have faith on her).
Gulbadan said : if you don't even have faith on her then why the drama of love with her.
Hamida said : I want hire for empire. which only get by her. peer baba had told us. that once Jalal got kid by Hindu Princess than there he will get more kids in future.
(listening this Gulbadan sigh a bit. the mother in Hamida had died long back it's seems she Don't care about Jalal and hid emotion. she don't care if he is emotionally attached to his wife's or not he relate them or not. but what she care about is that the way he act or work shouldn't let a question on his empire and his character. she Don't care hoe Rukaiya treat other women in Harem she is mother of emperor even have more authority than any of other person in. empire Because Jalal is solely her son. and he is emperor still she never use her own power to do any good. whatever deal she make whatever work she do it's always related to empire well being which often Don't concern the well being of empire subject but who cares anyway).
Gulbadan said :but what issue you have by queen Jodha.
(listening her words Hamida got up from couch and walked towards the small window by where she can have a view of sunset).
Hamida said : she is very different from the people here. she have a power to change the empire... Don't know why but I am seeing the Mughal empire to be change.
(not understanding much her words Gulbadan let the topic go. other side seeing Rukaiya in his room , Abdul who was reading a poetry book half laying on bed try to get up to greet the queen but Rukaiya by raising her hand with a soft look stop him from doing that).
Rukaiya said : how is your health now Abdul. are you in pain still. if you need anything say it without hesitation.
(listening her tone of talking and her words with Abdul and all the maid who were present there or come with her inside the room got surprised. but then composing himself Abdul spoke calmly).
Abdul said : you had already arranged everything for me tending. your highness...
(By his calm words to Rukaiya understood very well that he is still grieving over his loss of one leg. not in very good to comfort others).
Rukaiya said :Abdul I can't say that I can understand your pain. but I will like to say have faith on God. everything will get fine. time can heal biggest to biggest wound.
(listening her words Abdul sigh sadly how should he feel what should he say. when he lost his leg he thought only one this why didn't God taken his life instead of his leg. he was trained warrior a spy of Jalal best friend of him from childhood. what shall he say that he feel helpless as hell to see how dependent he become on others. how he got angry by seeing pity for himself in others eyes and action in ther word spoken out of mouth. he can't live like this he can't the pain of not be able to ride on his favorite horse Rustam. the pain of not be able to fight for Jalal in war and not get the task to go in other mission for empire make him go and feel like to kill himself from night everyone are coming to meet him and he can see some are genuinely feeling bad for him so rest of are happy by his loss. knowing Abdul Don't know what to say Rukaiya eyes tear up for him for his loss. so for changing the topic).
Rukaiya said : hmm very well Abdul now you started taking interest in poetry as well. do tell some poem to me.
(listening this Abdul smiled shyly a bit then spoke calmly he didn't notice that he didn't spoke to her words before).
Abdul said : umm that I was just reading for time pass as you know your highness that I have no friendly relationship. with poems emperor didn't come or else he may have made fun of me as well.
(listening this Jodha got a bit surprised that Jalal didn't come to meet Abdul yet. but masking her surprised emotion well by smile).
Rukaiya said : well said now you take rest I will like to take your leave. take care.
(with slight greetings to each other Rukaiya left leaving a thoughtful Abdul behind. Other side on his way to dungeon Maan Singh saw A person fighting with Mughal soldier he immediately try to take his sword but stopped by guard who had chained him. he got frustrated and glare at them than spoke).
Maan Singh said : I am not some coward who will try to run go and help your soldier mate. go.
(listening his words the soldier hesitate a bit to work as he said but then. knowing he is right In. his words all soldier walked further to help there soldier friend to arrest the person who is fighting with them and moving a bit forward they get to realize it's Abul Mali. all soldier with there full strength try to over power him but he very good in fighting coveting his lady love Fatima behind he was fighting very skillfully he couldn't to win Agra so what he Don't wanna die at least not let Fatima die so when he got help hr run with faitma and now he was busy dealing with all Mughal soldier. Maan Singh whose hands were chained saw everything he got hell irritated that none of Mughal soldier have power to caught one men and they are ruling half of his nation. the disgust he felt was none definable in word).
Maan pov : Nothing will happen by them I need to do something myself.
(he bent down take the sword which was laying near one dead soldier and with that broke the chained which had him tied. and than he move further to attack on Abul Mali).
Maan said : if you love your life then let your weapon down or else you yourself will be responsible for the outcome.
(Abul Mali already killed all Mughal soldier but rubbing the slight blood stain from his face Abul Mali look at Maan front in a darkness to he could get to make out the guy is Rajput by his attire. he let out a low dark Chuckle listening Maan words than spoke).
Abul Mali said : if I fear than I may not been here. now move out of my way and let us go.
(Maan Singh didn't knew who the person is but he knew that he is someone with not good intentions for Mughal).
Maan said : so you choose the death way. Good than nos face my attack.
(Even Maan was bit short in height front of Abul Mali and less muscular then him. still he attack on Abul Mali with all his strength. but Abul Mali taking advantage of darkness in dungeon try to mislead and confuse Maan by his attack move but it's didn't help him. as Maan was being very good in sword and learn these type of tactic well he like Jodha can fight with closed eyes as well. so within short span of time he get to unarmed Abul Mali. and about to be head him but by his back someone hit him on his head. and he fell on ground with thud by hard hit. and fell unconscious).
men said : my all plan got failed because of the state Princess of your but now I will not let my life to get finished Because of you...
(saying this in a rage he was about to stab unconscious Maan by his sword but he get stopped by Abul Mali who by hearing more footstep of soldier spoke urgently).
Abul Mali said :no Sharif no leave him and let's go. we don't have time let's go quick.
(listening this Sharif kick unconscious Maan hard by leg on his back. than by secret passage Abul Mali Sharif Faitma all moved out of palace. leaving dead bodies of many Mughal soldier and unconscious Maan behind. soon more soldier come with Adhga and Aziz and saw everything).
Adhga said : take prince Maan to doctor. and Aziz you got behind Abul Mali he shouldn't escape from here.
(Aziz quickly move behind Abul Mali as they saw by far that they run from secret passage he take the same route as well. while Adhga Khan got very much disappointed by his soldier work he had tighten the security around Abul Mali so that he Don't get to escape still he did).
Adhga Khan :after such a tight security to Abul Mali get success in escaping from here. Emperor will not line to know this.
(after ordering his soldier to take the bodies out cell Adhga Khan move from there to check on Sharifudin but after knowing he run with Abul Mali he get more angry and thought to let Jalal knew about this. so he made his way to Harem and by reaching there. he order one maid to let Jalal know hr seek permission to meet him. as no other men is allow in Harem that's why Adhga waited for Jalal outside Harem in corridor. while other side Jodha jalal were unknown to the happening in palace enjoying there time together. Jodha was laying on bed her hair was open and her jewels were already of from her body. as jalal take them off long back. while jalal who was Laying on top of her by side caged her in his arms was letting his hand freely roam on her body. while Jodha was enjoying his touch and very much effected by him. both of there eyes were closed)..
your majesty can I say something to you...
(listening her soft hesitate voice Jalal open his eyes and look at her by side both were lying on bed and cuddling to each other).
Jalal said : hmm say by the way I Don't like anything else to hear from you apart from praise fill words for myself. but seems like I have to wait more.
(listening this Jodha giggle softly. as it's damn funny for her though. that Mughal emperor like Jalal wish to hear praise by her when he often get to hear his praise by his subjects and family members. she look away from Jalal while Jalal smiled seeing her happy in his company).
Jodha said :you already had won over more than half of India. and in your army many leader are there. who can take a lead of army if some attack happen then why did you view out your wish to get help of army help from Amer.
(listening this Jalal look up at other side while Jodha just look at him. with a curiosity to know what he will say or answer her).
Jalal said :hmm i had many reasons to do that Jodha. but on bad time we only hope to get help by those on whom we trust. and with me if there are loyal then traitor are there as well.
(Jodha didn't knew she should feel happy that he have faith on her royal people and he relay on them in the bad time. or she should be worried and be angry that he will use her state force again Rajput rulars as well. how easy it would been for he if she had marry the Rajput king alas life was never easy for her. but now looking at Jalal she don't regret to accept the decision to marry him for sure. And it's not like she had any option back then. but now she don't feel bad to be with him for sure the anger the hurt she felt at the time she marry him fade away with a time and the care respect he shown on her by his actions. she looks up at Jalal and saw the men who is powerful emperor whose wish and words are law for people who in the snap of finger can brought the hell on Earth for his enemy and heaven for those whom he love care and Cherish the most. but while having everything to he is not happy. she can see the sadness loneliness and longing to get love . behind the mischievous smile of his. while seeing Jodha staring at him lost in thought).
Jalal said : what are you looking at me with such a intensity Queen Jodha are you intending to murder me in your mind Queen jodha as our meeting always start after war. see first we met we fought. as well second time we met we fought that time as well. in fact marriage with you happen because of war only.
(listening his words jodha immediately look away. and got very embarrassed by his words. as while looking at him when she get lost in her thought she didn't notice and didn't realize that she is staring at him without blink . he look at her with mischievous glint in eye and raise his brow and caressed her cheek by his index finger. after few minutes composing herself jodha spoke softly).Jodha said : now what's my fault in it if you always wish to fight with me.
(now he got the exact reaction in the form of words by her which he wish to get and without wasting a slightest second he spoke).
Jalal said : if you got to know my real desire either your eyes will get lower by shyness or they will get ready to murder me in rage...so tell me shall I expressed my heartily desire front of you...
(saying this first he smiled then made a scary face as if he is afraid of her anger then wink At her naughtily making her jaw dropped she look at him surprisingly than and blush small smile formed on her lips by his words. and unknowingly in a low voice words escaped from Jalal mouth).
Jalal said :I swear to god i myself will not get to stop myself from becoming your slave if you continue lowering your gaze in shyness so so the question about world is out of topic...(Jodha push Jalal away making him fall on side and sit on bed taking his hand off from herself. which was roaming freely on her body few seconds back. making him chuckled lightly).
Jodha said : aren't you playing words game with me allot today...
(Jalala sit behind her and touch her both arms by his hand and very softly caressed them than shifting more closer to her he put his head on her shoulder by side and kissed on her ear lobe making her shiver a bit).
Jalal said ; it's my habit to play...but with you it's become necessity...but whatever i said today not a single word was lie more ever i don't lie either...
Jodha said ; yaa you don't lie and neither you are habitual to say truth huh...
(Listening this jalal started laughing while jodha to did the same. as it's he who once said this to her in childhood that I don't speak lie while speaking truth is not my habit. after sometime Jodha spoke in serious voice).
Jodha said :your majesty you have faith on me but what if I even...
(Jodha couldn't finish her word as jalal sealed her lips by his third time).

Nafrat Yaa mohabbat
Historical Fiction"The culture and clan they belonged, wasn't meant for them to get together"! "Their ancestors were sworn enemy of each other"! They themselves were no different from them either"! "One dream to conquer one lived to protect"! Falling in love with o...