Chapter 5: The Ruined Party

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Billy's birthday party was on a Saturday. Neither Jeff nor I looked forward to the occasion. We made our appearances just because we were compelled to. Mum mentioned something about courtesy, because Barbara, Billy's mother had invited us particularly for the celebration. I couldn't understand why I had to do something against my will.

I would be fine with casual attire. After all, there was really no point in dressing up for an event I wasn't a bit interested in. However, since everyone else was going in fancy clothes, I was, too, requested to pick my grandest costume. The whole idea was absurd but I couldn't have any say here. When I couldn't make my decision, Mum barged into my bedroom and selected a laced flowery dress of lavender colour. Great, I seldom wore dresses. It was a total mismatch for me, considering I usually wore black and gothic. This sweet, overly fluffy stuff just wasn't my cup of tea. Mum forced me to wear it anyway. And must I say, when I looked at myself in the mirror, I really wanted to smash the glass. This girl, wrapped in a elegant one piece with hair so neatly combed and polished, wasn't me at all. Everything was simply out of place.

I texted Jeff and asked where to meet up with him, only to get a reply that he had to go with his parents instead. Fine, I was a bit disappointed, but we would still come across each other in the party later. When Mum had everything ready, she got me downstairs. My mood wasn't good to begin with. It basically went downhill when I spotted Randy's gang at Billy's front yard. Oh God, why were they even invited in the first place? The more I looked at Randy, the more I detested him. I still couldn't get the image of those broken eggs out of my head. Ever since that incident in the forest, I had been having nightmares every single night. And they always portrayed the same scene, with Jeff crying over his lost treasures and fuming mad ready to murder Randy. In all honesty, I was still a bit bothered by Jeff's madness. Those eyes kept haunting me as if they were trying to reveal something buried deep in Jeff's mind. They frightened me even though they belonged to the person I loved the most. And most of all, I had never thought Jeff would act so violent in front of me. Did I seriously mean it when I said I was okay? I doubted it.

"Good morning, Jane," Randy smiled, working so well with his good-guy disguise.

I rolled my eyes and snubbed him, only to get scolded by Mum.

"Jane, what's the problem with you? Your friend is greeting you!" Mum scolded. "Feeling sleepy isn't an excuse."

"Morning." I bit my lips in annoyance. Damn, having to see this guy had already made my eyes bleed. Having to greet him was killing my pride. Before Mum got a chance to lecture me again, I hurried into the house and squeezed through a group of guests in search for Jeff. I found him in the backyard, frolicking with some kids. They were playing cowboy games or something. Jeff had a fedora on and was pretending to shoot the kids with a toy gun. I actually cracked up at the scene. I could never imagine him mingling with children. Jeff always had that severely strong aura with him. I didn't think even the presence of some adorable kids could alter his coolness.

"Jeff," I cackled.

Jeff stopped what he was doing and turned around immediately, a bit embarrassed when he knew that I was watching him all this time.

"Hi, Jane..." He blushed and hid the gun behind his back. How cute.

"So, what're you guys playing?" I asked, pretending to be eager and all.

"Cops and Robbers!" exclaimed the kids mirthfully.

"And you...are the cop?" I smirked at Jeff and nudged his elbow teasingly.

"S-Shut up..."

He blushed even more and looked away.

"Come on, Jeff, you look cute in that hat," I laughed. "I mean it."

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